Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Missing man actually at central booking

From Fox 5:

A Fox 5 investigation has caused such a stir that a new state law might be passed. Lawmakers gathered outside NYPD headquarters promising to change police procedures. It all started when a newlywed husband vanished, and a family feared the worst.

Watch the story and then answer: Wouldn't it have been easier to allow the guy to call his wife while he was at the precinct and have her bring down his photo identification? It would have saved the police a lot of time, and the taxpayers a lot of money. Why not pass a law to allow this?

Bottom line: always carry ID!


Anonymous said...

Since people lack common sense, I guess passing a law is the next best option. Sigh.

What I'm saying is said...

I'm waiting for the commenters to start calling for his death because he was riding a bike.

Anonymous said...

on the sidewalk...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the guy enjoyed a brief vacation from his nagging wife.

Anonymous said...

Did you say bike?

"He was comin' around the mountain doin' 90...'til the chain from his bicycle broke.

Found him lyin' in the grass with the kickstand up his ass....."!

Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa!

A classic English racer is a poor substitute for a mountain bike on a rough trail!

Anonymous said...

If he wasn't a good-looking white out-of-towner, the legislature would not be jumping to attention either.

The real reason that this made them nervous was the concern that tourists would be fearful of visiting in case this happened to them.

I wonder how many poorer or less photogenic people went through days of hell without ever being heard?

CJ said...

They can actually pass legislation in Albany? Call the press. What is this state coming to? I guess the code word is "meaningful legislation".

Anonymous said...

Why does the NYPD continually hire people with no common sense, but gives them a gun to carry?

Anonymous said...

"I wonder how many poorer or less photogenic people went through days of hell without ever being heard?"

thank god for all the beautiful rich people that get fucked, this way the ugly poor people will be heard.

Anonymous said...

This guy has one hell of a basis for a Wrongful imprisonment lawsuit. I'll bet the arrest was made at the end of the P.O's. Shift so as to optimize his overtime. This happens more than New Yorkers know.

Anonymous said...

The only problem is that the guy had recently moved and he told the arresting officer that he didn't know his new number, and that he didn't know his wife's cellphome number offhand. Not unheard of these days, when we rely on our cellphones to store our phone numbers for us.

Queens Crapper said...

No, the problem was that he wanted to dial a long distance number. If you limit the call to 5 minutes, I don't see what the issue is.

Anonymous said...

2 sides to every story - maybe he just just a dick to the cops and they tooled him?

Unknown said...

I've been one of these idiots who has not carried id. I often run down the block to pick up food etc but not anymore.

Unknown said...

To the commenter about the city hiring police with no common sense. These men and women were born and raised with common sense. 9 times out of 10 the police academy teaches it out of them in order to follow the stupid laws that are on the books.

Anonymous said...

Stupid laws are ignored all day long and the universe doesn't collapse. They only enforce the stupid ones when it presents a chance to screw somebody over.

A phone call is just a courtesy my ass ... it's totally impractical to hold people without letting them summon lawyers, bondsmen, relatives. LOL

Anonymous said...

The phones in the arrest processing areas are limited to local calls. You have to dial 9 to get an outside extension. There were problems a few years back with cops coming in to make phone calls out to their friends/family/girlfriends out in LI/Westchester/NJ. The brass responded accordingly, and now, no more long distance calls.

Anonymous said...

A phone call is just a courtesy my ass ... it's totally impractical to hold people without letting them summon lawyers, bondsmen, relatives. LOL
Agreed, but you need to know the damn numbers first!

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