Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mishap won't stop building

From the Daily News:

A Queens developer is forging ahead with plans to open stores and offices on a busy Forest Hills block where a passing truck recently pulled down telephone wires and uprooted utility poles.

The owner of a corner plot at 69th and Metropolitan Aves. - formerly home to a Four Ones car service station - vowed to start construction soon on a two-story building where he hopes to attract retail tenants.

Developer Ronnie Cohen of Venetian Management pitched the 9,400-square-foot parcel as the perfect spot for an eatery or doctor's office, adding he's open to any "clean," reputable business.

"We're still looking for tenants," Cohen said. He slated the project for completion by year's end.

The mishap at the site, leased for two decades by Four Ones as its lone Queens repair station, created a traffic nightmare last Friday when the truck pulled two nearby poles onto the ground, closing the strip for hours.


Anonymous said...

The ground there has to be dirty. And is it a coincidence it is just off school property? Look for a cheap food place.

Anonymous said...

That was once a gas station.........there has to be quite a bit of carcinogens in the ground.A few phone calls to epa and dep are in order.

panzer65 said...

Not another pharmacy!

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