Mayor Michael Bloomberg is turning his attention to women voters in his bid for a third term, with three new ads and a town hall meeting this week.
Monday's town hall will be moderated by one of Bloomberg's celebrity admirers, Whoopi Goldberg. The campaign said the audience will be comprised of invited guests, but questions from the audience won't be prescreened.
The meeting comes as his campaign is releasing new television ads that feature testimonials from members of his "Women for Bloomberg" campaign group, including Kelli Conlin, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, an abortion rights organization.
The ads focus on issues like reproductive health access, domestic abuse and schools.
"Mayor Bloomberg has a great story to tell on issues women care about," said campaign spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker.
Bloomberg is cozying up to women at a time when his financial information company, Bloomberg LP, is being sued for discrimination.
I guess in Bloomberg's estimation, women don't care about his extension of term limits against their will, jobs, taxes and the economy... And reproductive health access? How about just plain health access? Queens women are concerned about the 3 hospitals that closed in less than a year's time. Hello? Is anyone at the Bloomberg campaign listening?
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"The meeting comes as his campaign is releasing new television ads that feature testimonials from members of his "Women for Bloomberg" campaign group, including Kelli Conlin, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, an abortion rights organization."
What could be more natural?
He was ordering pregnant women employees to have abortions (so as not to interfere with profits), the way many employers order pizza for meetings.
An aging "Whoopi" is past her heyday...both in the field of comedy and mental cognition!
As if performance celebrities really know WTF is going on within the convoluted folds of politics.
Their blood's often too drug rich and far from possessing our meager bank accounts!
She'll do anything for a gig nowadays and a Bloomberg booking is the best thing that's come down the pike for her in long while.
They don't even want her to host the academy awards anymore.
Add her to the list of forgotten Jane Fondas and Barbara Streisands..and other such "notable" wannabee political pundits...ha, ha.
another SURE SIGN that hizzoner is losing his political footing as well as his marbles!
"...Another season...another reason for....BUYING OFF WHOOPI"!
Sorry, Mr. Berlin, for tampering with your lyrics.
Well Ms Troy, why dont you get your cohorts and show up?
Post comments on Whoopi's website?
Will any of the women that is sueing him for discrimination show up?
Maybe some of them can go over to NORAL and ask about this.
Oh yes, take along a camera. Do to NORAL what the fags did to Onorato.
Then send a copy to Crappy.
Mike Blooomberg suckered this woman voter twice and never again!!!!!!!
The above link was at first a little too sexy for me -- I have found my inner Mae West to constantly lampooning the mayor with the hope of ousting him from office. Sometimes the camera loves me but I almost 47 and feeling it so why use my sexuality? Mike has mega billions and they most powerful connections, I have my natural assets....it angers me but I am willing to use my inner Mae West
the above is a reference to Mike Lupica's piece today YOU ARE DISGRACE reference
I can't express how strongly I feel about ousting the "little emperor" of New York City but when I read Lupica's column today it delighted me that Azi Paybarah's
berating by the king of New York posing as mayor is now iconic....
Ms Troy, you must have friends that feel as you do, where are they?
why cant the city be festooned with stickers lampooning this jerk?
The campaign said the audience will be comprised of invited guests, but questions from the audience won't be prescreened.
No need to pre-screen the questions. The Kommissar can do that rather well himself.
"You're a disgrace!"
"We've moved beyond that."
And so on.
Actually, considering that "the audience will be comprised of invited guests," you can read that as them having been cherry-picked. So there should be no chance of having to field a question that makes him uncomfortable.
Here's one fed up Queens woman's retort to HRH Bloomturd: TERM LIMITS!!!!! Our system of democracy doesn't envision having a sleazy billionaire purchase the mayoralty of a major US city as his personal plaything.
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