Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The mediocre mayor

From the DailyKos:

Bloomberg has decided that he is the only one that could save New York City. The mayor claims the city has many problems and he wants to be around to help fix them. My question is where have you been for the past eight years Mr. Mayor? Wasn't he the one in office when the problems were getting out of control. The mayor has had eight years to tackle the problems that plague New York City, yet he has had minor impact. As a matter of fact the Mayor worked down the street from Wall Street and claimed not to know what was going on there. The mayor is one who also favored deregulation of the banks. While Wall Street stole the people's money, the mayor was just chillin in city hall giving the cities money away.

While many New Yorkers seem to be fascinated with Bloomberg he remains in my eyes a mediocre Mayor, garnering much of his support from conducting what I call media stunts. The mayor has been very good at marketing himself and creating a smoke screen to distract us from his many failures since he became leader. The city has not gotten better, I would say things have gotten worse. Let us start with the MTA strike, the handling of the black out in queens, taking over of the board of education and the continued failure of the city's public school systems. Poor maintenance and deterioration of public housing, lack of low income or affordable housing, and the hole that’s still in lower Manhattan. Just to name a few. New York is one of the states affected by predatory sub-prime lending there are many houses in foreclosure and cars being repossessed. While Manhattan is kept nice and clean for the tourists the outer boroughs are in disarray. Drugs and guns continue to be a problem here.

So while we are condemning actions abroad in countries that have no bearing on our day to day lives, let’s remember those in this country who violate our laws, seizing power and refusing to let go. It seems we are always demanding that democracy be recognized abroad but when it is compromised here we are willing to acquiesce. People from out of town always have this perception of New Yorkers as progressive and not taking any crap, but most New Yorkers are from out of town. When it comes to our politics we are very malleable and easily fooled. We have to get Bloomberg out now, if we do not block Bloomberg at his attempt to steal a third term who knows when we will get rid of him.


Jerry Rotondi said...


I couldn't have summed it up better!

No third term for this scoundrel!

Two helpings of Bloomberg on our plates have been more than enough!

Anonymous said...

This is such a hack article written by someone who clearly doesn't know what he is talking about, particularly about the way Wall Street works, and is just throwing mud on the wall. Bloomberg has more than anyone changed the previously failing public school system and is getting amazing results. He has kept crime down to levels even lower than when he first took office.
The mayor of NYC has no authority to regulate Wall Street. The only thing I saw Bloomberg advocate for regarding regulation was to lighten Sarbanes-Oxley, which went overboard on Corporate regulation, not Wall Street regulation, and he was correct to do so.
When city tax revenues were strong, he put money away and paid down debt that has helped us weather the downturn better. NYC had less subprime lending than most other major cities and has had less of a downturn in real estate prices than other parts of the country.
People should know what they are talking about before they print stupid opinions.

Anonymous said...

The MTA? Bloomberg took a hard line against the strikers, which was the correct thing to do to deal with an illegal strike. Beside, the MTA is a state agency.

Anonymous said...


"This is such a hack article written by someone who clearly doesn't know what he is talking about"


How dare a citizen express an opinion against the king?


"Bloomberg has more than anyone changed the previously failing public school system and is getting amazing results."


Tests were dumbed down on both the city and state level in recent years. Any teacher will tell you this. They are teaching 3rd grade material to 5th graders.


"He has kept crime down to levels even lower than when he first took office."


Compstat numbers are phony and captains instruct their cops to dissuade crime reporting.


"The mayor of NYC has no authority to regulate Wall Street."


The mayor has touted himself as a financial genius and created the derivative system Wall Street depended on.


"When city tax revenues were strong, he put money away and paid down debt that has helped us weather the downturn better. "


No, actually he spent like crazy while crying poverty to middle class and lower class neighborhoods, as multiple articles have shown.


"NYC had less subprime lending than most other major cities and has had less of a downturn in real estate prices than other parts of the country."


It had less subprime lending because the house values were overinflated to begin with.


"Bloomberg took a hard line against the strikers, which was the correct thing to do to deal with an illegal strike. Beside, the MTA is a state agency."


When the private buses went on strike, Bloomberg did shit. When the blackouts happened, Bloomberg did shit.

Anonymous said...

Vote him out and to all registered republicans Do not sign his petitions!

Alan said...

Commenter #4: GOOD JOB!!!

I guess commenter #2 (Darkside fan club?) would like us to put blinders on and not see how overdevelopment is rampant and not serving in the best interests of the majority of the people of NYC. Revelations of corruption and mismanagement? Look the other way, folks. Nothing going on here!

I imagine that the Bloomturd trolls are monitoring this site big time as it seems to be having an impact in bringing about awareness in Queens and in other boroughs. The crapster gives us more relelvant news and information than the "regular" media dishes out. Hack article? I think not! It was well-written and insightful. Thank you Queens Crap for sharing and caring!!!

Anony2 said...

Well said Alan!

Anonymous said...

A great article in the Daily Kos which is left leaning, proving to the uncritical thinkers on here assuming the left likes bloomie. That couldnt be further from the truth if you look at the Daily Kos and many other sites from the left. The passive wealthy of NYC may like bloomberg.
Comment two might not understand that bloomberg has pushed for deregulation 0n Wall St like many on the right. A report Sustaining New York’s and the US Global Financial Services Leadership and co-authored with Sen. Charles Schumer decried the over-regulation of Wall Street, which Bloomberg called “devastating for both our city and our nation.”

Mccain told the press in 2003 he has a strong record of voting for deregulation. Dont forget the efforts to pass banking reform laws, including the landmark Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, which served to reduce government regulation.
Also as a lobbyist for Swiss bank UBS, Gramm pressured congress ease it's restrictions on predatory lending tactics by mortgage brokers. For his work, Gramm received $750,000 from UBS in during a one year period beginning in 2007.
Lindsey Gramm was also was the chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, received $1,000,914 in campaign contributions from the Securities & Investment industry.

Bloomberg had more power coming from working on Wall St, having a large news corp, and working on the NASDAQ. But comment two doesn't know much about Wall St it seems.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has more than anyone changed the previously failing public school system and is getting amazing results. He has kept crime down to levels even lower than when he first took office.
He has been closing public schools, cutting fire house's hours and locations, and closing schools. What color is the sky in your world? School class sizes have been reported to have gotten bigger and crowded.
Crime is down also there comment 2? What is your source? Bloomberg's office?

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Oust Bloomberg! He and that witch socialite mega million city planner Amanda Burden pushed a tsunami of community crushing development that destroyed our communities...they have to go.

Mike doesn't break laws, just change them
from my youtube "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York".

Suzannah B. Troy

Taxpayer said...

To call the Commissar "mediocre" is to praise him.

He has banned trans fat, smoking, banning a salami in a deli window, unleashed the dogs in our parks, used eminent domain to destroy union jobs and private businesses (small businesses at that), raised taxes, closed hospitals, fire houses, eliminated police, and refused to account for his use of our money by berating the reporters who dare to ask.


He is just a miserable, very stupid, petulant Commissar whose very first, and only, instinct is to kill whatever disturbs his lazy tranquility - babies, firefighters, construction workers, geese, trees, and the elderly who died in the blackout heat wave.

We don't need him.

Let's dump him on September 15.

Anonymous said...

OK, historically Democratic voting New York, be nice good little people and do as your told and vote Republican to give the ONLY man that can 'help' New York win a third albeit illegal election.

Go on, be good little citizens. Do as your told. You'll see. New York will be one big Happyland USA again.

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