Monday, June 8, 2009

Marc Leavitt, challenger to Helen Marshall

From The Daily Gotham:

Marc Leavitt, a Queens lawyer and long-time activist, is running for Queens Borough President. He has already demonstrated, in just one month, an ability to raise the kind of money needed to run a viable campaign, and the money is still flowing in.

We have a website up, at It is very basic right now, but we're still gearing up.

This Monday, June 8, we are having a grand opening at our campaign headquarters at 50-11 Queens Blvd. in Woodside (take the #7 local train to 52nd St.), starting at 6:00. Feel free to stop in and meet the candidate.


Anonymous said...

He's a lawyer.

That's already a no-no for me.

Anyway he's brand name recognition.

He'll fall before the scythe of any clubhouse sponsored opponent
like ripened wheat!

I've got this great recipe for homemade bread.

First you take some freshly ground flour, then add some...(ha, ha, ha)!

Anonymous said...

Marshall has to go.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this guy is worth a look. We know that Marshall has to go. At least this guy is making an attempt to run against her. I'd rather look at this guy than have Marshall run unopposed and win. It can't get any worse than Marshall. She's been around for a thousand years. I'm going to research this guy and see what he stands for. If he's a serious contender, then I will vote for him. It's time to dump all the existing trash in politics and try something new. Let's wait and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

I would cast my vote for a resident of St. John's Cemetery before casting one for HellMarshall. But BPs are like DAs, they never get voted out. (Oh let's get rid of Brown, too. Please.)Leavitt to Leavitt; a choice not an echo. But does he have a chance? Is he the Charles Ober of the borough--a fine and honest and capable candidate whose candidacy will get snuffed by the system? Why do we get so many incomepetents? It's like they are all working together to lower the bar and keep themselves in office. Gee, It's like a clubhouse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This guy was part of the Sheldon Leffler criminal cabal-even got some money from him. Another lawyer...oy!

Anonymous said...

well turns out this guy is just another idiot....he was lead around this weekend by the nose by wait for it....HIRAM MONSTERRAT..another one bites the dust

Anonymous said...

Leavitt is Monserrat friend... he's out of my list

Anonymous said...

I rather vote marshall for another 4 years. Leavitt is close friends with this dirty former cop Luis Castro, former Chief of Staff of Hiram Monserrate. We need good leaders like Helen Marshall in the BP's Office.

Rebeca said...

Marc Leavitt, Democratic candidate for Queens Borough President, is the only candidate for that office who has qualified for public campaign matching funds, according to today’s Campaign Finance Board announcement. Notably, incumbent Helen Marshall, who is running for a third term since term limits were lifted, has raised less than half of the minimum required, as of her campaign’s most recent filing.

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