Tuesday, June 2, 2009

LI pols want Indian casino at Belmont

From Newsday:

Key Long Island political leaders expressed support Thursday for the idea of locating a possible Shinnecock casino at Belmont Park.

Should the tribe receive approval to open a gaming facility, Belmont is "the only place it would possibly make sense," said Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi.

A spokesman for State Sen. Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) added that the Senate minority leader "would be open" to an Indian-run casino there.

Skelos, who represents neighborhoods south of Belmont Park, and other state lawmakers from Nassau have pushed for the installation of slotlike gambling machines at the Park to compete with ones slated to open at nearby Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens.


Anonymous said...

What innovative long term thinking. How about mini-casinos in public parks? The hell with that. Lets turn public parks into mini casinos. That would be constructive.

David said...

Yes... said well! I also think that turning the mini parks into small casinos would be better option.

Anonymous said...

Once there was a casino in Central Park during the Walker administration, don't be shocked if they did put casinos in the parks.

More to the point, gambling is a parasitic business that raises the cost of welfare, police and other government services. Gambling creates embezzlement, loan sharking, violence and poverty.

How about using the area as a public park, shopping area, office park, or just leaving it undeveloped until the economy turns around.

Anonymous said...

Keep the Casinos away! Let all the lowofes go to Yonkers and Atlantic City, the surrounding neighborhoods always take a turn for the worse

jerry rotondi said...

Maybe it's a crazy idea but...how about a posh casino at the superbly located RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre?

That would certainly pay for the restoration of this historic landmark, encourage tourism and put money into the community.

Now don't go and bite my head off...just keep an open mind.

It's just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea.

The Asian community will support gambling for sure!

A combo casino/convention center/dinner theater perhaps?

Just level the rake in the auditorium.

Better than the Keith's sitting there and rotting for 5 more years!

Anonymous said...

Yeah..look at all those Harrah's and Foxwood's buses lined up near 39th Ave.

Keep those dollars in Flushing!

Anonymous said...

Well the Maspeth Indians can get together and claim most of Maspeth, Elhmurst,Ridgewood, Glendale, Greenpoint, Bedsty, Clinton Hill & so on. SO give them the Big A and keep the client from NYC in NYC!!

Anonymous said...

The money is trying to keep it out of the Hamptons.

Anonymous said...

The money means the rich folk.

Anonymous said...

These things are corrupt; mob influenced. They have no place in civilization. I am 58--I have seen what happens. Low Lifes indeed. Let's make our world better.

Anonymous said...

Can't the Natives find a more respectable way to get out of poverty than promoting gambing?

Anonymous said...

The natives are in poverty because we stole everything we could from them. All of our houses and stores are sitting on their lands.

If they discovered a new source of wealth tomorrow morning, somebody would steal it from them.

Who do you suppose originally owned the land where the Hamptons are today? The Shinnecock indians. Imagine if all the wealthy had to pay real estate taxes to them.

In the meantime though, gambling only re-distributes wealth, it does not produce it. And usually the beneficiaries of this are mobsters.

Try reading, "Wiseguy" sometime or watching the movie, "Goodfellas." The Lufthansa hijacking occurred when a trucker passed information to the mob to settle a debt with a loan shark. Many bodies fell.

Gambling causes embezzlement, poverty, domestic abuse, and substance abuse.

There is a reason that gambling is known as a vice, and promoting this will increase the state's expenses in every way.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer NYC to be run by the real, more astute, wiseguys rather than the smart ass crooked political mafia that can't manage to wipe their own asses without printed instructions on each sheet of toilet paper!

Capone & Co. knew damn well how to turn a profit...that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

And what about the myriad of illegal gambling operations run by the Chinese in Flushing that keep on getting busted?

With a real casino at least there would be reported taxable income not an underground economy for the tongs to buy some more politicians with!

Anonymous said...

Whether your lose your money to the Chinese Tongs or "respectably" by buying lottery tickets from the government, you are still broke.

My ex-fiancee's mother died prematurely because she bought lottery tickets instead of needed medicine.

Make no mistake, degenerate gambling costs property, lives, self-respect, and character and boosts crime in every way.

Whether it is a gangster or the government, gambling is theft. Gambling preys on ignorance of basic math, desperation and poverty.

The less of it, the better.

Alerta Sing said...

Whether it is a gangster or the government, gambling is theft. Gambling preys on ignorance of basic math, desperation and poverty.

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