Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lack of upkeep at Powell's Cove Park

"Hello Crapper,

Where are my tax dollars going? I see nothing is going to Powell's Cove Park upkeep. It's a disgrace. I'm sorry but the person (in the Parks Dept.) who is in charge of this area should be fired. I would send these pictures to the Mayor's office but Bloomie hates the people of College Point. So that's a waste of time like his 311. But we will fight on.

There have been animal sacrifices in the park. Easy to do it with all that cover. Complaints to 311 have gone unanswered. HEY PARKS! GET UP AND DO WHAT WE PAY YOU TO DO!"
The Pope of College Point

Photos show entrance at 11th Ave and 138th Place.

This scene from Google Street View shows the same spot was better manicured some months ago.

Once again, write to:

Copy your community board, the borough president and yours truly.


Anonymous said...

Where are tax payer dollars for parks going? What is the High Line for 1000 dollars, Alex.

Anonymous said...

This is CB7's jurisdiction. 'Nuff said!!!

PS Let's all play "Let's Make A Deal!"... or is it the "Price Is Right"?

Anonymous said...

Now compare this to Washington Square Park.

How did this happen?

How do we change it?

Taxpayer said...

What would the condition of this park be if the Queens Park Commissioner were someone else?

Someone who did not steal the job from a fully qualified minority who would never have allowed this disgrace to have happened.

We allowed the theft. Lewandowski took a qualified minority woman's job. She took that woman's money for her children's food, her tuition money, her money for her children's clothes, books, and treats.

In exchange. Lewandowski gives us shit.

Benepe authorizes this dismal incompetence. The Commissar wants this to be the service that Queens' taxpayers receive.

So, what should we do?

Let's take this trio off our payroll on September 15. They believe that this is all we deserve?

Let's give them what they deserve!

Use your vote to rid us of these parasites.

September 15. Vote!

Anonymous said...

Have traveled the World including poor counties like Mexico etc. and never found not even one unkept park. Guess we get the Medal for Neglect.

Anonymous said...

Screw nature! We want our parks "manicured"!!!

Anonymous said...

Screw nature! We want our parks "manicured"!!!

How foolish of us to assume that parks need maintenance. Thank you for providing us with this thoughtful gem...asswipe!!!

Anonymous said...

How foolish of us to assume that parks need maintenance. Thank you for providing us with this thoughtful gem...asswipe!!!

Yes, it is foolish of you. But just remember, you said it first.
Not all parks are recreational parks and need to be maintained to golf green conditions. Some parks are meant to provide the city with "lungs" and preserve natural areas, meaning less anal-retentive care and attention. Loosen up, it'll do wonders for your blood pressure.

Queens Crapper said...

"Not all parks are recreational parks and need to be maintained to golf green conditions."

So why was it "manicured" just a few months ago? And has this "natural" policy been extended to the medians on Queens Blvd? Because the grass on them is knee-high.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, why even bother to explain anything to that moron? There is, at least in my opinion, a big difference between manicuring and maintaining. I guess it must be OK to let debris and other garbage build up. Oh wait, in that poster's world, nobody would ever litter or leave their mark with graffti. Ah, it must be nice to live in a perfect world.

Queens Crapper said...

You mean like this and this and this?

EVAN S said...

This is Queens. If it doesn't benefit ME, why bother???

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper,

How dare you present photographic evidence? What are you trying to do...prove a point? Now cut that out and let the morons have their say! Sheesh!!!


Chuck A said...

Don't forget my cut. Oops. Did I say that out loud? My bad.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it is foolish of you. But just remember, you said it first.
Not all parks are recreational parks and need to be maintained to golf green conditions. Some parks are meant to provide the city with "lungs" and preserve natural areas, meaning less anal-retentive care and attention. Loosen up, it'll do wonders for your blood pressure."

The problem with your rant is there has been a rise in complaints about animal sacrifices, drug use and other antisocial activities preventing the NYPD to crack down on this. Neighbors are becoming more alarmed to the crap that has been going on in that park.
Kids tearing up the new walkways with their ATV's. So please..

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