Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Home seller pays property tax twice

From Eyewitness News:

"They treated me like a reall yo-yo, like a real idiot," said John Irvin. Irvin is tired of trying to clear up a property tax double payment. Three years ago he sold a house in Queens which had been his home for over 40 years. And the problem began right at the closing.

Irvin adds, "The lawyer told me, uh, they could mess that up for me. So to go ahead and straighten it out and we'll straighten it out later with them to get our money back.

So John paid the property tax on the house a second time, close to $1,700. He was sure he would get it back later.

But instead, the new owner got the credit and John is still waiting.

John contacted the Department of Finance several times, even went to the office in person, but he was getting nowhere.

So 7 on your Side went to work, and within days The Department of Finance told us that they were not aware of the double payment because John had been communicating with the collections office, not the administration office.

John disputes that, but, in the end, he's just glad to get his money.

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