Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fort Totten, Flushing Meadows to become killing fields

From the Daily News:

The city and Port Authority are mounting an all-out war on Canadian geese, vowing to wipe out at least 2,000 birds living within a five-mile radius of the airports.

Federal wildlife officials will be dispatched to net and euthanize the molting birds over the next few weeks at 40 city parks and other locations near LaGuardia and Kennedy airports.

In addition, the Port Authority will train and arm supervisors to shoot the birds in an emergency situation.

Over the past six years, more than 1,200 geese have been netted and gassed on nearby Rikers Island in an effort to reduce the population and potentially dangerous collisions with planes.

But after a bird strike forced Flight 1549 to land in the Hudson River, there were calls for tougher measures.

Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler said the city will contract with the U.S. Agriculture Department to round up the geese and share the cost with the Port Authority.

Geese will be targeted at Flushing Meadows Corona Park and Fort Totten.

Flight 1549 was brought down by migrating geese, not NYC resident geese. How do you geniuses plan to kill them?


-Joe said...

Good, it’s about time the Feds get of their ass and do something about the Illegal aliens.

M. Bllomturd said...

I'm still building my garbage transfer station in College Point so screw all of you!!! Vote for me!

linda said...

hey when the feds are done they can come to maspeth and kill the 500 or more piegons on the corner and while they're at it kill the wacko who feeds them :)

but seriously what are they going to kill off the babies they just hatched? college point there are babies everywhere, pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

But this will make people feel like they've got it under control (when they don't...but we hate thinking about giving that up when we fly).

And yeah, the birds involved were migratory. Idiots!

Anonymous said...

THIS is the solution? Since Bloomass is so brilliant, why doesn't he solve the geese problem?

Anonymous said...

They can oil the eggs before the chicks develop and that is pretty effective. But killing is more fun and probably costs more money.

Anonymous said...

Fun? FUN?? It's FUN to kill birds??? What's the matter with you? That is so horrible.

Anonymous said...

I was being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

"Kill it." - Michael Bloomberg's stock solution for all annoyances.

Anonymous said...

"I was being sarcastic."

Sorry. Didn't catch that.

""Kill it." - Michael Bloomberg's stock solution for all annoyances."

I'm always surprised at how woman seem to forget what he said to his female employees. Maybe Tony Avella should remind everyone.

linda said...

lmao i remember :)

bet ya ass bloomass wants them to kill off the birds, it would help him with the process of cleaning up college point for his rich friends. we don't want geese flying around and crapping everywhere on the rich folks.

Anonymous said...

give the geese to the animal sacrifice people.

C. Gull said...

Flock Bloomturd!

Anonymous said...

linda said...
hey when the feds are done they can come to maspeth and kill the 500 or more piegons on the corner and while they're at it kill the wacko who feeds them :)

but seriously what are they going to kill off the babies they just hatched? college point there are babies everywhere, pretty sad.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

But why take i out on the pigeons when the people who need to get nailed are the wackos with no lives who are dumping sacks of bird seed all over the place?

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful birds, but out of control. Especially problematic is the contamination of human drinking supplies with giardia contaminated feces, but that is out of sight, out of mind in upstate New York where our water comes from.

The filtration system to save us from this contamination is costing over a billion dollars.

Sad to say, the geese are only a symptom of the problem. The stripping of natural environments to create grassy lawns and the loss of natural predation such as foxes, wolves or predatory birds has caused this to go haywire.

I love to see the re-emergence of our redtail population--keeps down the rats. Now we need some bird predators such as goshawks or cooper hawks to join them.

Taxpayer said...

Elect someone with a small mind and what you get is small bore ideas as solutions to problems.

There are no methods to entice the geese to go elsewhere, and no longer want to stay near a flight path?

No noise devices? No lights? No odors? No foods?

Nothing? In this entire nation there is nobody who knows how to fix this problem without the killing?

But, that's a Commissar for you. To fix a problem, kill the offender. Kill a baby, kill a bird, or kill a tree. What's the difference once the offender is dead?

Well, let's eliminate the Commissar painlessly - for us as well as for him.

Remove this killer on September 15.

If you must, then remove Commissar Killer on November 3.

Lucca Brazzi said...

I'd love to cook Bloomberg's goose!

M-m-m-m, m-m-m-m, the polls drizzled with a tangy apple/wine sauce..."hizzoner under glass"!

Tutti e tavola ah mangiari!

(Excuse my spelling, I'm an unschooled amateur chef/experienced soldieri not a scholar).

Anonymous said...

I heard on the news last night they plan to round up these birds and gas them. How disgusting is that?

Flatu Lence said...

I heard on the news last night they plan to round up these birds and gas them.
Now I see why Halliburton is eyeing the Flushing Airport site for gas. All they had to do was ask Toby nicely.
One belch=one month's supply!

Claire=two month's but it is tainted.

Anonymous said...

i hate geese send them all back to canada they shit all over the place all the parks fly a way

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