Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fireworks crackdown begins

From the Queens Gazette:

Fourth of July revelers take note: if you are caught by police purchasing, displaying, storing or lighting illegal fireworks, starting this weekend you will be arrested and put through the system - without exception.

Police officials this week are alerting area residents that they will lose their freedom if they purchase illegal explosives or set off illegal fireworks displays on local streets.

Police sources told the Gazette that dozens of plainclothes police officers will patrol on foot, on bicycle and in unmarked vehicles to seek out and nab violators who insist on setting off illegal explosive devices on and around the July 4th holiday weekend.


Uncle Sammy said...

No more fireworks at Mets Stadium!

No Macy*s fireworks on the East River this year!

Happy Birthday, America.

Are sparklers off limits?

Hopefully, you can count the injuries this year on one hand, that has all of its fingers.

Speaking of fingers, I have one (on each hand) for Mayor Mike!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking things too far!
I'm not sure if I'm against accidental fires or not!
My comments are so ironic it hurts!

Anonymous said...

I have a scar on my leg from sparklers. I lost some of my hearing from a firecracker that I had unwrapped and lit, but blew up any way.

My parents let me have only the smallest and most harmless fireworks and I still have these injuries.

Today fireworks as potent as half sticks of dynamite are sold. Put in glass bottles or garbage cans, they can easily create killing shrapnel.

Any idiot can unwrap the fireworks, pack them into a length of pipe and create a pipebomb.

Taking fireworks off the street is money well spent, especially in an age of terrorism.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that these measures are being taken in an election year and not annually. This administration has diminished the police force and is closing firehouses but Bloomturd must still maintain some semblance of public safety. Fireworks in the wrong hands are dangerous but it is sad but true that there are far fewer professional fireworks displays available to people in Queens than in the past. Anyone remember going to Fort Totten in Bayside for a fair and fireworks? I can also recall that sparklers were sold in stationery and toy stores right next to the balloons (for water balloon fights) and cap pistols.

-Joe said...

Happy birthday to the new Soviet Union.
I'll tell ya one thing Is not gonna stop me.
F_ you Bloomberg and Souzzi !

Its all about the money, like DWIs fireworks bring big fines $$ and overtime.
One soppose one could shoot arial stuff off roofs like John Gotti.

If some rookie rings your bell one could say FU GET A WARRENT. What comes back down could come from anywhere. Why get blaimed for it ?
With Gottis (R.I.P) partys "lighters" received hats and the same shirts.

This racist discriminative threat wasn’t posted for El Cisco De Mayo or Chinese New year whats the story Mike ?

georgetheatheist said...

El Cisco de Mayo. Wasn't he played by Duncan Reynaldo?

On Fire! said...

First of all, shouldn't the police be patrolling our streets 24/7/365? Why do they need to announce themselves in order to enforce the law? What troubles me is that this does seem to be another in a long line of discriminatory policies by the Bloomberg administration. Does anyone reading this think that the police will raid penthouse parties in Manhattan where illegal fireworks are being lit?

When you factor in the fact that police departments and fire companies are being reduced or eliminated and there are fewer major medical facilities, it seems that our well-being is becoming a pawn in this year's mayoral the man who is running almost unopposed because he controls the media and the money! His agenda is not to benefit the people he was elected to serve so far. Why give him a third chance to nail the coffin shut?

Taxpayer said...

Commissar or not, NO fireworks of any kind. NO Sparklers.

Nothing that requires fire to start. Nothing that produces fire once started.

Wanna burn a house down? Burn down your own house. Burn it down with you and your family inside.

Then tell us all about your love of fireworks.

For real fun, let's set the Commissar's hopes on fire on September 15.

If he's still around, let's blow up his chances on November 3.

Vote your way to celebrating freedom and your own control over this city!

Anonymous said...

Nothing that requires fire to start. Nothing that produces fire once started.

Yeah! And no stinky barbecues either! Might as well go all the way. Sparks will fly. Take that you firestarters!

If you want to celebrate Independence Day, do it somewhere else. We don't want your kind around here.

Anonymous said...

It's a drag that the big public displays are being cut back this year, although appropriate when so many are suffering.

In the meantime, let's remember that there are still more professional displays available than in our youth.

We can let the professionals do their jobs and keep our fingers on our hands and our toes on our feet.

God bless America.

Wade Nichols said...

I never have any problems on the 4th when I set off fireworks. I hire a few local "guest workers" to light the fuses - I just stand back and watch the aerial display.

If the NYPD come, they see my "guest workers" are just hanging out, having a good time, drinking some cervezas, and lighting fireworks. The cops will hang out for a while, watch the display, and sometimes they'll even have a beer. Then they just move along, "nothing to see here folks!".

M. Bloomtard said...

If you peons, want to see fireworks, come into Manhattan and look up. My buddies and I will be having rooftop celebrations galore. But be forewarned, don't stand too close or we'll pee on you!

Anonymous said...

How is the 4th any different? You've been peeing on me all year.


Lady whose livingroom ceiling was formally introduced to her livingroom floor.

Anonymous said...

Joe said...
Happy birthday to the new Soviet Union.
I'll tell ya one thing Is not gonna stop me.
F_ you Bloomberg and Souzzi !

Its all about the money, like DWIs fireworks bring big fines $$ and overtime.
One soppose one could shoot arial stuff off roofs like John Gotti.

If some rookie rings your bell one could say FU GET A WARRENT. What comes back down could come from anywhere. Why get blaimed for it ?
With Gottis (R.I.P) partys "lighters" received hats and the same shirts.

This racist discriminative threat wasn’t posted for El Cisco De Mayo or Chinese New year whats the story Mike ?

Joe, its called spell check

Queens Crapper said...

Joe spells fine, he already said several times that the PDA he writes on translates things its own way, which I can sympathize with.

When he's typing from home his grammar and spelling are fine.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the Police of Queens, spend more time on catching burglars and breakin artists, than people trying to make a buck on fireworks. Let them catch the real criminals, if they have the balls to.

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