Monday, June 1, 2009

DOB forcibly removes illegal ad

From the NY Times:

For several years — in spite of 103 violation notices issued against it — a three-story, wrap-around billboard has blanketed the lower floors of the 19th-century Cushman Building, 174 Broadway, at Maiden Lane.

On Thursday, clearly feeling that its enforcement efforts had been lost on OTR Media Group, which installed the sign, and 1 Maiden Lane Realty, which owns the building, the Department of Buildings took the sign down itself.

“This is the first time the Department of Buildings has physically removed an illegal sign from a building,” the agency’s press secretary, Kate Lindquist, said. A company called Service Sign Erectors performed the work for the city.


Anonymous said...

Good enough is enough. People have lost all respect for DOB. Now if they become just as aggressive when lives are at stake.

Taxpayer said...

This is the Commissar's message to the billboard industry: Never be late with the payments!

panzer65 said...

Maybe the DOB is finally waking up!

Anonymous said...

This is the Commissar's message to the billboard industry: Never be late with the payments!

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Sort of like the lazy custidian who wakes up from his nap, sweeps about a foot of floor for about a minute, and then resumes his nap.

Anonymous said...

This is precedent to them ripping down Thompson signs and then he rips into a reporter the next day.

Reporter: "Mr. Bloomberg, you said you looked forward to a clean campaighn....

Bloomturd: "Can I get some question from non-retards...(looks for NY Post reporter in crowd)

Reporter: "Hey.. What the hell?"

Bloomturd: (walking away off mic and softly speaking) "Douche bag"

Anonymous said...

If that sign blocked up my windows, I'd cut some openings through it from inside my apartment.

My lease grants me unobstructed views!

To hell with the DOB!

I'm a hands on guy!

Anonymous said...

"Maybe the DOB is finally waking up!"

The DOB will NEVER wake up!

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