Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Deutsche Bank Building work stopped again

From the Daily News:

Demolition work on the former Deutsche Bank building was halted Tuesday because of a broken safety switch discovered after a smoke condition, authorities said.

For the second time in a week, the FDNY responded to a call of smoke at 130 Liberty St., the cursed skyscraper ruined on 9/11.

It turned out the smoke was from a battery-powered forklift that overheated about 4 a.m. Firefighters simply unplugged it.

Workers at the site hit a switch on an air-filtration system - designed to keep contaminants inside the work site - but it malfunctioned.

Firefighters and Buildings Department workers confirmed it was busted, and a stop-work order was issued for asbestos removal from the cellar to the third floor.

The order was lifted last night and work will resume today.


What I'm saying is said...

Uggh, I'm suprised that no one has had the bright idea to turn this place into "Luxury Condo" by now.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we were able to do things in America? How did we churn out all those ships to defeat Hitler or erect the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center or the Chrysler Building in the middle of the Depression?

Taxpayer said...

Add this failure to the long list of miserable failures of this miserably incompetent Commissar.

He cannot manage the basically simple floor-by-floor demolition of one building.

Is that because there is no kickback to be extorted in building demolition?

Let's just demolish this miserable failure on November 3.

Register now! Vote in the NY Primary on Tuesday, September 15. That's your early opportunity to dump this turd.

If he's still around after Sept. 15, dump him on November 3. Don't surrender to this moron!

Anonymous said...

Remember when we could build things?

Yes, I do - you do realize that back in those glory days (1930s) we used to accept an average of 1 death every 6-7 floors of a building! It didn't make the news, it was just an accepted fact. You went to work, and sometimes you didn't come home, or you came home missing fingers, toes, eyes etc

Anonymous said...

Heavy. Unfortunately the carnage still continues and we don't have the buildings either. On my block construction has meant "accidental" destruction of nearby buildings and the driving of people into the street.

Completely untrained people are putting up the death traps of tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

How True!

Remember when we could build things?

Yes, I do - you do realize that back in those glory days (1930s) we used to accept an average of 1 death every 6-7 floors of a building! It didn't make the news, it was just an accepted fact. You went to work, and sometimes you didn't come home, or you came home missing fingers, toes, eyes etc

And the Irish were not treated so well either building a few of the bridges across the East River along with African Americans with barely any pay.

But yes little bloomliar should have taken that down by now floor by floor carefully without blaming someone else for a .. oh say crane collapse. He must have been a little egomaniac as a kid too, judges by his tantrums and mentality.

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