Tuesday, June 2, 2009

DEP vehicle makes road trip to school

"Hey Crappy,

As one of the many Forest Hills residents whose home was flooded with sewage in August 2007, I'm particularly incensed that this DEP worker finds picking up his daughter from school is an appropriate use of a DEP vehicle. Our tax dollars are paying for the gas, the depreciation of the vehicle, and his time (unless he was on his lunch break, which is doubtful because he was sitting in the vehicle for more than an hour before school let out). Perhaps those dollars would be better spent by the DEP actually fixing our sewer problems.

Attached are pictures of the vehicle and of the worker getting back into his car after putting his daughter in the car. I don't have a picture of the daughter, but that wouldn't be appropriate anyway, being that she's a minor and this situation isn't her fault.

Thanks for listening Crappy and keep up the good work!" - anonymous


Frank said...

I believe he's not allowed to have non-city employees in the vehicle with him. If you have the plate number and such, I say report the fucker.

Anonymous said...

dont need the lisc the vehicle id is clear on the front fender lets see what happens nothing im sure the doi dont give a crap

Queens Crapper said...

And here's the front of the car...

Anonymous said...

So the guy picked up his daughter on his way home rather than let her get raped by a pervert?

Don't we have better things to worry about when the high-muckety mucks are bending us over and sticking it to us every day?

We have three New York Senators under indictment. Two for assault, one for stealing.

We have big, fat envelopes being passed so that everyone forgets the person whose house is buried under the bricks. Cut that guy a break.

Anonymous said...

He was on his way home from work dressed like that?

Anonymous said...

Why not? My brother in law is a correction official on 24-hour call. At the beginning or end of shift he would be dressed like this and he would have a special DOC car with siren so that he could tear-ass back to his job in case of riots.

Queens Crapper said...

"So the guy picked up his daughter on his way home rather than let her get raped by a pervert?"

How do we know she would have been raped by a pervert?

Abuse of the take home car is a pervasive problem with DEP as John Deutzman has dutifully documented several times.

Anonymous said...

He's not allowed to have non-city employees in the vehicle with him.

Period. End of story. What is there to not understand? If something were to happen to the passenger, the city (i.e. "us") would be on the hook for megabucks.

Taxpayer said...

"We have big, fat envelopes being passed so that everyone forgets the person whose house is buried under the bricks. Cut that guy a break."

How do you think headline grabbing corruption starts? By doing cheesy, sleazy corrupt things that people like you insist we overlook.

Notice also that the left front tire is on the curb. This guy can't even park without causing damage to our property: the curb and the tire (not to mention the front-end).

In the meantime, there's a properly reported pothole with a collapsing manhole cover that was reported at least 5 weeks ago.

I guess we have to let that go so the employee can pick up their kids from school to prevent them from being raped.

Yeah! That's a great use of tax money we are forced to hand over. Give our money to the city so that employees can have a car, pick up their kids during work hours (work hours? That's what WE do to make the money to support these freeloaders), damage city property that we pay for, all to prevent rape!

Potholes? Go shit in the potholes!

Anonymous said...

Good point. I have just been through so many hair-raising personal experiences with political corruption that the minor stuff is starting to dull.

In the last two years, I have learned about all kinds of city and state agencies that I never knew existed including DOB, HPD, DEP, DHCR, state attorney general's office, district attorney.

I just wish we could clean the Augean stables. Where is Hercules when you need him?

Detective McNutty said...

This goes on all the time . I have seen a Postal worker pick up their child using a delivery truck and PSA 9 (ravenswood) use police vans to transport civilians. Police vehicles from the 114 are used all the time to shuttle kids when the PAL have events.

Anonymous said...

Not a big deal as long as he reimburses for the miles.

We can cut them a little slack.

Detective McNutty said...

"Not a big deal as long as he reimburses for the miles.

We can cut them a little slack."

It is this attitude that allows larger corruption. I really doubt this guy will reimburse anyone. Aren't we still waiting for MTA officials to reimburse their EZpass usage.

Anonymous said...

Why not? My brother in law is a correction official on 24-hour call.
A correction official on 24 hour call. Please. They have shift commanders on all tours that handle any incident that arises. With today's technology, even the highest ranking mamber of the corrections department doesnt have to jump out of bed and go lights and sirens to Rikers for ANY reason.

Anonymous said...

This is unsettling. Why does he have priveleges we do not? Many parents on their jobs worry about their kids getting home from school, yet they cannot leave to pick them up. Why should people with agency cars be allowed to do this? Think of how much of this is going on. Then it goes to shopping, then the bank, then a quick visit to the mistress. Then home early before their shift ends. This is a slippery slope. By what right do they use taxpayer resources? Whoever sent this in--Good Work!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am not surprised by this. Employees don't show up for work and still get paid. Nice cushy job working for the DEP (or the Port Authority).

Keep on raising our water bills you dirt bags.

Anonymous said...

Yeah lets all gang up on a working guy who has a family. I know it aint allowed but if he killed a guy he would be treated better and be innocent until proven guilty but on the internet you can do or say what ever you want. Lets face it its the ceo's and the Pol's in their pocket who cause or bills to be so high not a poor working guy who's only perk is probably getting that car. complaining about this is what makes people not care about real issues

Anne said...

This problem has been going on forever with all city agencies. Only a few years ago the DOB started getting strict with their rules and getting the Department of Investigations to follow workers who had the city issued cars. I think other city agencies should follow the policies the DOB has established and take it across the board with all city employees who get these benefits.

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