Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cops seek Jackson Heights pervert

From NY1:

Police are asking for the public's help in locating a man who they say exposed himself to a young girl and took photos of her inside a Queens building.

The incident happened on May 20th in a building at 88th Street and 37th Avenue in Queens at around 7:30 p.m.

Authorities say an 8-year-old girl was playing in the hallway when the suspect approached and forced her into the stairwell. That's when police say he photographed her feet and private areas of her body and then exposed himself.

The girl was not physically injured.

The suspect is described as being between 20 and 25 years old and approximately six feet tall. He was also seen riding an orange bicycle.


Anonymous said...

as long as he did not go through any red lights while riding his bike

Anonymous said...

If he gets caught he'll be wearing an orange jump suit to accompany his orange bike!

Anonymous said...

Was that within the sacred confines of JH's historic district?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that was an "off kilter" member of the Jackson Heights Beautification Committee doing a photographic survey.

Jeffrey said...

That's really closer to (Latino infested...heh, heh, heh) Elmhurst.

Anonymous said...

When they get him I hope they accidentally break his two legs before the police come.

His next set of wheels should be a wheelchair.

Wade Nichols said...

"Jackson Heights pervert"? That's redundant!!

Anonymous said...

Why does NY1 always overlook the most salient fact - race? We're looking for a WHITE male.

Wade Nichols said...

Why does NY1 always overlook the most salient fact - race? We're looking for a WHITE male.

Ha ha! I hope you're trying to be "ironic" here!

While you and former police chief Charles Moose (DC Sniper) are out looking for a "WHITE" male, I'll be on the lookout for the following:

"The suspect is described as a white or light-skinned Hispanic male, 20 to 25 years old. He is approximately 6 feet tall, dressed in black pants and a black jacket and fled on an orange mountain bike."

Due to political correctness, the FBI includes "Hispanics" in crime statistics with Whites. But when it comes to "Hate Crimes", the FBI separates "Hispanics" from Whites. That's why crimes statistics for Whites are much larger than they really are, according to the FBI.

Anonymous said...

You're so sensitive, Wade.

FeMmeFaTaLe said...

I wanted to report someone. I was on my way to the train station around 4:35am and around the corner of 66th ave and queens blvd(rego park), a burgundy old squarish car was double parked. As soon as I passed the car I noticed him pull away and drive past me and stopped at the end of 67th ave and queens blvd. Near CVS drugstore. Once I got near that car, I noticed the light in the car was lit. I looked inside was a white man with a blue or black baseball cap flashing and waving his private parts at me and smiling.

Unfortunately, it was dark and I was alone and afraid to stop and take his picture. I think he lives in that area. Please post this so that all single women in that area knows that there's someone like that in the neighborhood.

I think its the same guy!!!!

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