Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Chairman of the Board speaks out on Dock Street

Frankie is shocked that the Land Use Committee of the City Council voted yes Thursday on the Dock Street proposal. For those of you not aware, Christine Quinn, who received lots o'dough from the Walentases who own the site, threatened the council members with reduction in their district funding if they voted no. The local council member, David Yassky, is against the project.

Click photo for video of Ol' Blue Eyes paying homage to the wonders of the Brooklyn Bridge.


georgetheatheist said...

Sinatra "in uniform".

The FBI had a 1300 page file on Frank Sinatra. The FBI determined that Sinatra had been rejected as 4-F. An FBI agent revealed that Sinatra's classification appeared to be regular and that he was disqualified because of a perforated eardrum and chronic mastoiditis. His mental condition was one of mental instability.

In a draft report, one examiner evaluating Sinatra had written: "During the psychiatric interview, the patient stated that he was neurotic, afraid to be in crowds, afraid to go into the elevator, makes him feel that he would want to run when surrounded by people. He had comatic ideas and headaches and has been very nervous for four or five years. Wakens tired in the a.m., is run down and undernourished. The examining psychiatrist concluded that this selectee suffered from psychoneurosis and was not acceptable material from the psychiatric viewpoint."

Anonymous said...

And I've got quite a dossier on Speaker Quinn's campaign contributions from developers.


That great American icon John Wayne, by the way, never served during WW II.

Now doesn't that break your little devious heart?

Anonymous said...

And just when some folks were convinced that they had secured a majority of the CMs on the good side...stabbed in the back!


Never trust any city council members...especially when "butch" Quinn is holding discretionary funds over their heads!

Verbal promises are meant to be broken...unless they're inscribed in legal boiler plate!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Polish/Russian mob is entering the political/real estate arena!

georgetheatheist said...

True, John Wayne had draft deferrments, that's why he, some say, compensated with patriotic movies. He never dodged the draft like Slick Willie.

BTW John Wayne had an eye for Hispanic woman. His wives:

1. Josephine Alicia Saenz
2. Esperanza Bauer
3. Pilar Pallete

Aieeeeee! Muy Macho!

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
True, John Wayne had draft deferrments, that's why he, some say, compensated with patriotic movies. He never dodged the draft like Slick Willie.

BTW John Wayne had an eye for Hispanic woman. His wives:

1. Josephine Alicia Saenz
2. Esperanza Bauer
3. Pilar Pallete

Aieeeeee! Muy Macho!

Saturday, June 06, 2009


You never saw "They Were Expendable"?

Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh dodged the draft also.

Anonymous said...

Would somebody please book "George" a gig somewhere on the north slope?

His arcane musings on QC, in lieu of a real stage life, are beginning to get a little...yawn...please excuse me...self indulgent and off topic.

Tell us some more about those Berringians Georgina.

(Now I probably didn't spell that correctly and George will be out to rap me across the knuckles with his little black Webster's dictionary or an ultra Christian right hymnal)!

william jefferson clinton said...

"I am writing in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more many..people have come to find themselves...loathing the military...To many of us, it is no longer clear what is service and what is disservice..." -letter to University of Arkansas ROTC Director Col. Eugene Holmes (Dec, 1969)

Anonymous said...


Now let's get on with how scum bag developers like the Walentas are manipulating the governing body of the City of New York!

You might have voted in your "representatives" but they're bought and paid for after the fact.

Prime examples:
C.M. Katz and Speaker Quinn!

The later is doing quite good for a reformed (or not so reformed) dyke!

Not that I really care whose end she butters...but now she's f-----g all of us instead of just one partner!

Dick Cheney said...

"I had other priorities."

Rush Limbaugh said...

"I had a boil on my butt."

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