Saturday, June 6, 2009

Call for probe into Staviskys' conflict of interest

From the Daily News:

Senate education bigwig Toby Ann Stavisky's son is a lobbyist for a firm that goes before his mother - and also lists her as a client, the Daily News has learned.

Evan Stavisky is a partner with The Parkside Group, which has a client list that includes SUNY-Buffalo and several CUNY entities, including Queens College.

Toby Ann Stavisky (D-Queens) became head of the Higher Education Committee in January, when Democrats took control of the state Senate.

Parkside, which also does political consulting for a host of elected officials, lists the senator as a client, and records show she paid the firm more than $200,000 last year.

Toby Ann Stavisky and Parkside deny there is any undue influence.

Also from the Daily News:

Susan Lerner of Common Cause-New York called the commission's opinion "exhibit 1 on why we need real ethics reform. ... It's just not reasonable to ask members to sit in judgment of other members."

Lerner said she agrees with Padavan and Golden that there should be an ethics probe but fears the state lacks a proper mechanism to do it.

"If the commission already issued a letter saying they don't see the obvious conflict of interest, which is as big as a barn, why would we get a different outcome?" she asked.

Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith defended Toby Ann Stavisky, just minutes after calling for changes in the state ethics law to help restore public confidence.

"The question ... at hand that we want to answer for the public is, 'Are you guys doing business on behalf of the people or on behalf of your friends?'" Smith said when announcing a bill requiring more disclosure by lawmakers.

Smith said he is not concerned about his Senate Higher Education Committee chairwoman being lobbied by her son's firm.


C. Apellian said...

What conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

So long dearie!

wouldn't you like to know? said...

Then Smith is on Toby Ann's pad...
a damn crook himself!

IT'S TIME FOR THE FEDS because you cant trust New York State either these days!

As soon as I log off, I'm inclined to get some "insider folks" together and put in a call to the FBI.

I've visited Manhattan Fed Plaza before with great results.

Better shove that butt plug up your ass Evan.

You'll be needing to to keep yourself from shitting your pants!

Anonymous said...

Don't just go after Evan - bring down all the crooks that he funds, too, like Gennarro.

Fed Up said...


Stavisky and Son

Apelian and Vallone

Shulman's illegal lobbying activity

The threat of the use of eminent domain in a purely selfish land grab to benefit Bloomturd's development chums

Shoving a police academy down the throats of an already overcongested College Point

Investigating whether the former Flushing Airport site should be drilled for natural gas


Anonymous said...

Time for the FBI to cast a WIDE net on all of these Crooks. These politicians can do whatever they want and nothing happens to them. They truly feel that the laws don't apply to them. An investigation needs to be done from a much higher level, because all these politicians, lobbyists and agencies are in bed together and can cover things up. It's time to call in the Feds and round these hacks up and put them away.

Anonymous said...

The Staviskys have been in the epicenter of corruption for decades.

Yet they've gotten away with it because their tweeded constituents refuse to take note of their nefarious dealings by carefully reading between the lines.

They keep voting them back into office...and for what?

After years of blustering lip service and tons of issued statements to the media...what has that dynasty actually accomplished?

Shit...judging from existing conditions!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's not that constituents REFUSE to read between the lines. Although that may be true for some. Most voters have NO IDEA who or what they are voting for. Some vote for the incumbent(afraid of change), ethnicity, religion, looks, good speaker, whatever...

Most voters are stupid and uninformed and like it that way.

Anonymous said...

Well, the good news is that Shenkler has decided to pull Toby's "large and lovely" ad out of the Trib.

Anonymous said...

Most voters pull the (D) lever, no matter how corrupt the incumbent is.

Anonymous said...

I'm moving to Kentucky........

Anonymous said...

When will the Willets Point folks focus on Appelian and baldy Paul Vallone the space cadet. The old man Vallone is the lobbysist now Appelian is campaign amnager for Vallone Jr. Lets put two and two together.

Toby said...

Michael, please don't pull it! I'm so upet that Evan is running out of talc! I'm really in a mess...literally!

Anonymous said...

Corrupt politicians are like Toby's legs. Ya gotta keep 'em from spreadin'!

Anonymous said...

Ugh... gross!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! The whole Stavisky family is a gross miscarriage of justice.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that Peter Koo did not campaign forcefully enough last year. It was mostly posters on the Chinese shuttle vans.

Had he tried to connect to Kew Gardens Hills, he may have had a chance. Orthodox Jews tend to be more supportive of Republican candidates.

Koo did not try hard enough to win over voters outside of Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Has any constituent ever been inside the inner sanctum of Stavisky's district office yet?

Maybe the FBI will be the first.... just like their visit to Brian Mc Laughlin....unannounced!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the FBI will be the first

I hope they bring their own teabags!

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