Friday, June 12, 2009

Bloomberg's latest failure

From the NY Post:

The Crossroads of the World looks more like a city dump these days, thanks to those new pedestrian plazas.

The cheapo tables and chairs set up in the pedestrian-only sections of Times Square have become a magnet for nightcrawler slobs who carelessly toss hot-dog wrappers, empty soda bottles and McDonald's bags on the street.

Officials said they were caught off-guard by the crowds drawn to the newly car-free section of Broadway, and that the trash is one of the growing pains of the setup.

And from the Daily News: the corner of 43rd and Seventh on Sunday morning, with the sun already high in the sky, one of the uniformed cops smiled and pointed to a guy sleeping in front of Sephora. At this point in the day, what the mayor fancies as a new plaza of the city - one of his new "pedestrian malls" - looked more like a shelter.

The cop said, "Ask yourself something: Who's gonna want to be the next person in that chair?"


Anonymous said...

Dumb and Dumber. Money does not automically mean you have common sense. IN FACT NOT TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE IT.

Wade Nichols said...

The "unintended consequences" in action.

Unfortunately, this whole experiment will probably end in tragedy when some terrorist or drunk drives through the lounging masses.

Anonymous said...

I am not so sure of this idea. tHE CHEAP chairs gotta go! Heavy fixed, street furniture sparsley scatterred is a better bet. yeah, I guess attracting a bunch of kids and drunks is what Bloomberg has managed here.

He would have been better off expanding or doubling the size of the sidewalk on Bway to benefit Theaters, resturants, amusments and weekday workers instead. What do you want from a guy who lives/commutes in his very own gulfstream to his 25M beach house in exclusive Tucker Town, Bermuda each weekend?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is not my favorite, but let's put the blame where it belongs. Why do these people expect maid service wherever they go? Start writing littering tickets.

Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said:
"Bloomberg is not my favorite, but let's put the blame where it belongs. Why do these people expect maid service wherever they go? Start writing littering tickets."

He's nobody's favorite. Forget littering tickets. Dump the moronic lounge chairs and open the area to auto traffic.

Then, dump the Commissar.

Dump him on September 15, primary day. Let him have a lounge chair for retirement in his beloved Bermuda.

Anonymous said...

Another example of this rich man's senility.

With each new dollar that Bloomberg makes...he loses another marble!


He's out of a Mr. Micawber type!

Anonymous said...

So far Bum-turd has wasted more money on his ridiculous notions than he's managed to save us!

i.e. remember:

(In a ranting nasal tone) "I want a reconstruction of Washington Square Park so the fountain lines up with the center of the arch".

And this we call financial acumen?

Anonymous said...

Even the cops know to keep people moving right along.

Studies have shown that if you provide "street furniture" (chairs & benches, etc.) you'll be collecting all the town bums and up-to-no-gooders!

Give them an open plaza and it quickly becomes a corral for herds to fill with their droppings!

Hey...Comptroller Thompson...what did this little experiment cost us taxpayers?

Send Bloomberg the f-----g bill!

Anonymous said...

Cheap lighter weight chairs can quickly become weapons in a melee ...especially during the "Bloods" gang's initiation day rampage through Times Square!!

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Dumbo is consulting the Disneyland design book in his visions (delusions) for NYC!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Queens Crap commenters... proving their ignorance over and over and over again.

You guys ever get out of NYC once in a while? Get some perspective for gods sake.

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself. I am bilingual in Spanish and English (English is my first, not second language), have traveled to 4 different countries, have traveled throughout the United States and am thoroughly familiar with economic, American and World History.

I have also lived in Astoria, Queens for nearly 50 years. My father, mother and aunts took planes and ships like you take the subway or bus.

Not everyone in Queens, or everyone reading this blog is a yokel.

Anonymous said...

"Ah, Queens Crap commenters... proving their ignorance over and over and over again."

That's why you're here. Right?

Anonymous said...

No, I am here because I have loyalty to my community, state and county. I have no desire to despoil what what left to me in good condition and then move on.

What a shame destruction and ruin is the new ethos.

Anonymous said...

And so Queens Crap commenters are ignorant because.....?

Anonymous said...

Okay, kiddies... get a grip.

First of all, these lounge chairs are temporary. Heavier, permanent street furniture is on order, due to arrive in August. This has been reported in the news.

Secondly, no "terrorist or drunk" will be able to drive through the "lounging masses" unless s/he is driving a tank. Ever heard of bollards?


Queens Crapper said...

Bollards were all around the lovely bronze statue at the BQE and Queens Blvd. Didn't stop drunks from toppling her 3 times. Now she's gone.

CJ said...

If you build it, they will slum.

PizzaBagel said...

Wade Nichols said:

"Unfortunately, this whole experiment will probably end in tragedy when some terrorist or drunk drives through the lounging masses."


Exactly! Sitting ducks is what they are. It's just a matter of time before such a tragedy occurs. And what will Bloomie's response be? Bear with us. We're still getting the kinks out of this "experiment." We will make this work, come hell or high water, whether anybody wants this or not.

One more thing. Taxpayer suggested that we dump the Commissar on primary day (September 15). If only, but we must wait until November 3 because he has chosen to skirt such a chance for early opposition by hooking up once more with the Republican Party. How expeditious of him. The candidate of no party and of any and all parties.

Snake Plissskin said...

Dumb and Dumber

Like those subway grills. Replaced the buckets of concrete.

Anonymous said...

Bollards were all around the lovely bronze statue at the BQE and Queens Blvd. Didn't stop drunks from toppling her 3 times.

Brilliantly made point.
So maybe drunks will topple people out of their lounge chairs.

Queens Crapper said...

Drunks in cars, that is.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. If you guys love cars and hate public space so much, then why do you live in the biggest city in the country?

There are plenty of suburbs where you can live which don't have an acre of public space and do have plenty of big ass roads. Long Island and New Jersey are full of them. If you don't like cities... you don't have to live in one! I don't like suburbs, which is why I don't live there.

Queens Crapper said...

"If you guys love cars and hate public space so much, then why do you live in the biggest city in the country?"

Who said we "love cars and hate public space"?

This post is about the cesspool that the Times Square intersection has become because of a dumb Bloombergian plan. Cars were only mentioned to make a point that the pedestrians lounging here are at risk from them. There are accidents in Times Square all the time.

When it comes to open space for people who actually live here (not tourists), the Bloomberg administration has been downright cheap. The Cornell farm and St. Saviour's sites have been on the market for years and there has been no interest from the City in buying either of those. While other municipalities are buying up open space for preservation, NYC promotes development of every last inch.

Anonymous said...

"love cars and hate public space"

This blog has been promoting preservation of what little open space remains since its inception about 3 years ago - Flushing Airport comes to mind.

Wake up.

Chuck A. said...

Flushing Airport comes to mind.

You mean the future home of the Halliburton Gas Wells and Environmental Destruction Corporation (EDC)?

J. Verne said...

Halliburton Gas Wells

H.G. Wells? Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

This post is about the cesspool that the Times Square intersection has become because of a dumb Bloombergian plan.

The lounge chairs weren't his idea, btw. He was every bit as surprised by them as you.

Anonymous said...

"The lounge chairs weren't his idea, btw. He was every bit as surprised by them as you."

Just another thing that our master did not see coming!!! You want to see space? Try looking between Bloomtard's ears!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the tents to start going up, if you catch my drift.

Anonymous said...

Just another thing that our master did not see coming!!!

Brilliant! So y'all blast him for the stupid idea, then when it turns out not to be his idea, you blast him because it wasn't his idea. Typical of the nonsense around here.

Anonymous said...

He appointed the person whose idea it was. Sorry, but when you are in charge, you get the blame.

Anonymous said...

"Brilliant! So y'all blast him for the stupid idea, then when it turns out not to be his idea, you blast him because it wasn't his idea. Typical of the nonsense around here."

Evan...Momma's calling. She wants you to stop playing with the people over at Queens Crap. They make too much sense and she can't handle the overload!!!

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