Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Bloomberg Watch is on!

"We’ve just launched to add our voice to those who feel that Michael Bloomberg’s term limits override and his ensuing candidacy represent a radical departure from and a challenge to the fundamental principles of democratic government: the rule of law and the consent of the governed. True, the city council had the legal power to do what it did, and there will be an election in November. The forms have been observed; that is why we use the word “challenge.” We see this election is a watershed moment in our political history; a teaching moment much like the 1975 fiscal crises or the election and administration of Barack Obama.

The site’s organizer is Neil Fabricant, who was the New York Civil Liberties Union legislative director, chief counsel to New York’s Environmental Protection Administration, special counsel to a New York state senate majority leader, a member of the graduate faculty of the business school at Baruch College, and founder of the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University.

We’ll provide original content, including our and others experiences with the Bloomberg administration. Periodically, the site will carry cartoons about Bloomberg. This one (attached) is drawn by Keith Seidel whose caricatures have appeared in The Boston Globe,, and Mad Magazine. We’ll have a special section that reports on council members also seeking a third term. We don’t think any member who would otherwise have been term-limited should have a third time no matter how s/he voted."

Mike Dang, Editor
Neil Fabricant, Organizer

The Council Watch is also on!

And let's not forget that Bloomturd is in Astoria tonight! Be sure to ask him about term limits.


Jerry Rotondi said...

That cartoon has captured it all.

It is superb!

Can it be ordered in a format that's suitable for framing?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the cartoon is great. Remember Thomas Nast and how he helped bring down Tammany Hall back in the days!

Anonymous said...

I think that turtle-face is beginning to lose his grip.

Didn't his "popularity" rating just decrease to 48% ?

There's still a lot of time between June and November.

I'll bet Mayor B's numbers continue to drop.

During hard times, such as these, a multi billionaire doesn't usually come off as being the best choice for the helmsman of NYC!

We'll wind up on the rocks if he gets another term in office!

Patriot said...

The point to keep pushing, especially to those on the fence, is to reiterate that democracy cannot, and should not be bought. You know, the way Bloomturd overturned a twice approved term limits law to continue his term in office. Exactly what drove many council members to change their minds and capitulate?


Anonymous said...

He is going to Astoria:

1. The greens will be there thanking him for bike lanes.

2. Two weeks of front page pictures of the gazette (I mean big pictures where the news - 100 Anniversary of Queensboro Bridge and Memorial Day - were mere backdrops) has softened the gullible in the community

3. Comments will be made slamming Con Ed and the airport (cheers)

4. The Vallone contingent (developers) will be there (more cheers)

5. There should be enough plants in the audience to insure that safe questions will be asked in a tone both respectful and properly differential to authority.

Bloomberg's March through Queens has begun in the most tightly scripted politically suffocating community perhaps in the city.

It they run this meeting the same way they run the community board we shall see clips of this on TV between now and the election (coronation.)

Another reason why what happens in Astoria should concern you.

It will be in your backyard tomorrow - just ask the people in Avella's district. not! said...

No mention on, that infamous 'community' blog.

but they are inviting each other to a clubhouse meeting!

uuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhh!!! ha said...

Now Now Now, be nice!

There is plenty of interest in the Ecrodorian food truck on Ditmars.

And if you are from Flint Michigan, that is big news indeed!

georgetheatheist said...

No one asked Bloomturd at the Astoria Civic Association about term limits because as was announced "The Mayor will not be taking questions." I was there. He spoke about how great NYC is and how his ancient mother cannot hear what he is saying. They presented him a plaque and Vallone Jr. kissed his ass. Then he left. The only one to "give it to him: was Charles Scriberras, the venerable Astoria real estate guy who complained to the mayor in the parking lot about his customers getting parking tickets on Steinway Street by overzealous agents.

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