Friday, June 12, 2009

Bloomberg ok with sending geese to gas chamber

From the NY Post:

Bloomberg...said, "There is not a lot of cost involved in rounding up a couple thousand geese and letting them go to sleep with nice dreams."


linda said...

and this man is jewish? how insulting and he has no heart. i could never even kill a pigeon and they're nasty flying rats. he should be very ashamed by stating that. it's a living thing :(

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has no heart for animals and people. at least he is consistent. I hope God will react soon and send this asshole to hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and if he'd done nothing the story would be "Bloomberg Puts Passengers at Risk"

Anonymous said...

asshole, no need to kill them to remove them. remove your head from your ass bitch

Anonymous said...

forget he has no heart for animals.. he has no heart for anything but his ego and his money

Anonymous said...

Just like your ancestors? What a jerk!

Anonymous said...

I'd love for this asshole to go to sleep PERMANENTLY and have some nice dreams. Nothing wrong with that! Where is the ASPCA, the Audobon Society, friends of animals? Is he allowed to make a decision like this? This guy is heartless. Let's get rid of him before he decides to exterminate all the poor people in the outer boroughs because he wants their property.

Coco said...

an asshole will always be an asshole

georgetheatheist said...

Kill them. Kill them. KILL THEM NOW!!!! Bloomberg is right.

What? you'd rather have 200 people DIE in an airplane crash for a bunch of frigging geese. You're all nuts.

Next stop, the disease-ridden pigeons.

Taxpayer said...

This Commissar Death and Taxes has no other solution to whatever annoys him.

Workers on scaffolding, residents of homes where fire departments will close, all New Yorkers where police are being eliminated, swine flu victims, etc., etc., etc. Kill 'em all, he says.

We all need to pass gas on his reign. Turn off his oxygen on September 15.

georgetheatheist said...

Bring 'em to my house. I'll bite their heads off one by one.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have a shotgun?

Anonymous said...

george, go fuck your mother/wife.

ew-3 said...

you city folk are kind of funny at times.
canadian geese are a common problem outside the city too. Simple solution is a dog. A border collie will scare the geese away. If done before the gooslings are born, the elder geese will simply pick a more hospitable place to go. No reason to gas them. Very little loss of goose lives.
For a Jew to even mention gassing anything shows he is not a Jew. Most American Jews have little emotional connection to the Jews in Israel or anyplace else.

Anonymous said...

ew-the only connection bloomberg has is to $$$

Donald Duck said...

With ridiculous plans like this, Bloomturd's goose is cooked!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. god.
I actually agree with georgetheatheist for once.

Anonymous said...

Nice dreams??!! Being shot or gassed doesn't result in nice dreams. What a dimwitted comment to make.
It's hard to imagine that in a supposedly civilized society that the mere "crime" of living and doing what comes naturally could exact such ruthless punishment. Building airports near water and wetlands, designed to attract birds, is playing Russian Roulette with the lives of humans and wildlife. It's an example of irresponsibility at its worst. The time has come to hold the FAA, US FWS and USDA WS accountable for their gross negligence and lethal wildlife management practices.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with anonymous. People addicted to money are usually cold-hearted people.

Anonymous said...

He's right about the geese. As long as that's what he's talking about. but it is creepy. The whole gassing thing.

Anonymous said...

Who did mother nature intend to fly?

Birds or people?

We shouldn't be killing something because it inconveniences us.

disappointed journalism major said...

I've said this before and I will say it again--the geese who flew into flight 1549 were MIGRATING.

How the hell does he intend to stop THAT? What the eff is wrong with the reporters who are covering this story and leaving out that fact. The Smith freaking sonian Institution confirmed this.

So you can go ahead and thin the CURRENT flock but at some point those migrating geese will have to make their return trip THEN WHAT?

Maybe we have too many airports next to areas that are easy for wildlife to settle in. Maybe we've screwed with nature for so long that migrating patterns are a mess. Combine these two theories and you are bound to have a problem sooner or later.

The bigger problem IMHO is that you have fewer and fewer pilots of the caliber of Capt. Sullenberger. What really should be on the front page is more about the OTHER flight that crashed up north where you had a copilot making $16,000 a year and had flown across the country prior to starting that flight. There's an important story. (Not to say Queens Crap didn't cover it because I believe he did--but this needed FAR more coverage than it got).

georgetheatheist said...

"Who did mother nature intend to fly?

Birds or people?"

ANSWER: Both. Mother Nature gave man a brain.

BTW: "And God said . . . let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air. . ." -The Book of Genesis I/26

Queens Crapper said...

You're quoting the bible to back yourself up? heh...

georgetheatheist said...

All educated people are aquainted with the Bible. And Milton. And Shakespeare, etc. The King James version of the Bible was instrumental in the development of the English language.

Now, go and sin no more.

Queens Crapper said...

And here I thought only the uneducated masses believed in what the Bible said. At least that's what I've been hearing in the media for the past 20 years or so.

georgetheatheist said...

Gimme that old time religion.
It's good enough for me.

Some say the uneducated still do "believe" in the Bible. This doesn't mean the educated, as I maintain, cannot be "acquainted" with the Bible. This acquaintence can me likened to a study of folk mores, an anthropological investigation.

In any event, most agree, as do I, that the King James version of the Bible is an artistic literary masterpiece of translation. I never quote later "up-dated" versions. Their language is not as beautifully poetic.

Amen and Hallelujah. An atheist with a compassionate soul. (Except for geese and pigeons.)

Anonymous said...

Where are all the animal rights activists on this?

Anonymous said...

Eight men, a pickup truck, a kayak and a van containing a portable gas chamber arrive at a suburban pond in Olney, Maryland. It's 7 a.m. on July 1, just three days before Americans celebrate their Independence Day. The men are not here to liberate anyone.

Their presence, however, has attracted residents from the condominiums that overlook the pond, as well as residents from nearby homes. The residents have a look of shock and horror on their faces as the men herd the Canada geese into a small, makeshift pen, where the birds promptly cower in the corner, seemingly aware of their fate. The birds can't fly away because it's their molting period, that time when geese grow their new feathers and cannot fly.

One by one, the geese are lifted out of the pen, honking and flapping in protest, their elegant black necks contorted into fearful shapes. The men stolidly push the birds into the van's gas chamber, where the geese will meet their ignoble end. The youngest geese are the first to go.

As the gas chamber is filled, onlookers standing several yards away can hear the geese banging and thumping, trying to escape. With all the ceremony of taking out the trash, the dead geese are dumped in plastic bags and piled into the back of the pickup to make room in the gas chamber for more birds.

It is all over by 9 a.m. Only a handful of geese have escaped this death sentence. Those lucky survivors benefited from a dark numbers game. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit for this kill set the death count at 100.

Anonymous said...

Humane Solutions

Canada geese should not be killed because an intolerant few feel that there are "too many" of them. Resolving a conflict with geese—or any other wild species—requires addressing the specifics of the situation. Reducing entire populations resolves nothing.

Stop feedings. The HSUS is aware of the complex and controversial issues associated with feeding wildlife, and we realize there is no simple or universal answer to the question of whether it is humane to feed wild animals. However, where geese are perceived to be a problem, and supplemental feeding encourages a high concentration of them year-round, then responsible plans to limit and eventually eliminate their feeding are necessary. Except in unusual circumstances, Canada geese should not be fed by neighbors or others.

This sanction does not apply only to private citizens. For decades, state and federal wildlife managers have fed wild animals on a massive scale, by planting crops to encourage an abundance of certain species. Private citizens and wildlife managers must begin to think about avoiding overpopulation in concentrated areas and stop funding programs that ultimately lead to the slaughter of Canada geese.

Manage habitats. As in almost any human/wildlife conflict, management of habitat is critical to establishing a long-lasting and environmentally responsible solution. Canada geese provide an excellent example of a wildlife species whose behavior can be fairly easily modified by managing the landscape. They not only prefer to walk between water and land, but also must be able to walk to grazing areas when molting or escorting goslings. Allowing grass and shrubs to grow as little as 18 inches high in a 10-foot band around a pond can act as a deterrent to geese as it will impede their access to grazing and block their view of predators. There are fringe benefits to this kind of landscape alteration as well. It reduces mowing, filters the runoff of fertilizers and herbicides from lawn surfaces, increases habitat for other wildlife species such as songbirds, and has an aesthetic appeal that many people find more satisfying than the homogeneous and neatly trimmed lawn run down to water's edge.

Where such changes are not acceptable, temporary measures can be used. Fencing acts as a sufficient barrier, and while it lacks many of the side benefits of habitat changes, it can be put out before nesting season to discourage geese and then removed when nesting has begun elsewhere.

Divert arrivals. A variety of techniques can be used to divert or scare Canada geese and other waterfowl away from areas where they are unwelcome. Scarecrows and effigies, homemade plastic flags, radio-controlled model boats, beach balls, eyespot balloons, and Mylar® tape can effectively repel birds. More serious harassment, or hazing, can be effective when applied at the right time and practiced consistently. Such harassment ranges from people simply shooing geese away whenever they are out of the water to intense, full-time use of pyrotechnics and/or special human/dog teams. The natural herding instinct of breeds such as border collies can be put to use to keep geese continually in the water, which will so frustrate them that they will fly away and abandon a site.

Anonymous said...

Repel flocks. A chemical called methyl anthranilate has been approved recently as a useful chemical repellent for waterfowl and other bird species. This grape-flavored chemical, used in candies and soft drinks, can be applied to land or water. It is highly noxious to birds and has been used with success in repelling Canada geese from lawns and ponds. Canada geese are intelligent birds who learn quickly and remember what they learn. The greatest effectiveness in goose-control is usually achieved when a combination of humane techniques is used. Modify the habitat and erect diversions, for instance, or change the placement of scarecrows and balloons. With a little consistency in human behavior, there is every reason to assume that geese will abide by local rules. If all else fails, rendering eggs unviable, a process known as addling, remains as the next-to-the-last resort. Addling has been little pursued, but The HSUS believes it is far more humane than slaughtering adult geese.

Citizens groups, homeowners associations, and local officials frequently are unaware of the effective and humane alternatives to resolving conflicts with Canada geese. The demands of a vocal, intolerant few move the process of resolving conflicts toward a lethal end before those who believe that killing is wrong can prove their case. Numerous success stories demonstrate that humane controls have been effective and have led to permanent solutions. Humane efforts require planning and cooperation, and they take time, but they are well worth it.

This is a critical period for Canada geese—a potentially devastating time for geese already being earmarked for destruction and a chilling time for the vast majority of the public that does not want geese slaughtered. Now is the time to stop the unnecessary killing and to stop treating wild geese as one more expendable commodity. Anyone who has ever thrilled at the sight of Canada geese overhead knows that geese deserve our respect and compassion.

Queens Crapper said...

Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese


Anonymous said...

"No need to kill them to remove them"
But it sure is a lot more fun

Anonymous said...

feed them to the homless tell them it squab 2 problems solved at the same time

georgetheatheist said...

"Eight men, a pickup truck, a kayak and a van containing a portable gas chamber arrive at a suburban pond in Olney, Maryland. It's 7 a.m. on July 1, just three days before Americans celebrate their Independence Day. The men are not here to liberate anyone."

The winner of the 2009 annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.

Anonymous said...

The last fatal U.S. airline accident involving birds was in Boston in 1960.

Anonymous said...

And even the pilot of that plane that landed in the Hudson said the chance that geese would take out both engines was 1 in a million.

This is overkill, no pun intended.

Anonymous said...

The primary reason to limit geese populations is the parasites they can carry. It is ironic that so many despise hunters, yet a fairly vicious way of controlling geese populations is A-okay.

Planting shrubs, letting retrievers run free to keep them off your own property and oiling eggs as a last resort is better than killing birds this way. Opening a limited season to hunters may also work. The geese are edible after all.

Anonymous said...


(see petition below)

Where: Port Authority Headquarters – 225 Park Avenue South (between 18th and 19th St.)

When: Tuesday, June 16th from 12 noon to 2PM

Who: various Animal rights groups and activists including Friends of Animals

Beginning Monday, the City of NY is planning to remove and kill thousands of Canada geese from city owned properties near JFK and LaGuardia airports as part of a “strategy” to keep the birds from interfering with flights.

Destroying geese is a quick fix that offers no enduring solution since after a significant sector of the flock is removed, new animals will eventual migrate in.

Violence begets more violence and surely non-violent means to reduce flock grown should be pursued including researching new technology to protect plane engines from bird hits.

This is a sad lesson to teach our children – if someone becomes inconvenient or gets in your way - just wipe them out. The roundup is being planned for molting season when the geese cannot fly.

Coexisting peacefully with wildlife requires diligence, creativity and an open mind …. Something that appears to be sorely lacking with this administration.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather sign a petition to plant a few of the million trees on these properties so that no goose, migrating or not can make use of the area.

While we are at it, how are the hawks at JFK doing? Any chance we can add a few more?

Mother Goose said...

Would it really hurt if the city took a gander at alternatives to killing?

linda said...

hey george

did you see all the wackos in nyc with the pigeons.... i guess you can start with biting off their heads, then the pigeons and so on.........

i think your really into god but don't want to admit to it.....
have a great sunday... :)

Save the Geese Project said...


Also, visit the SAVE THE GEESE PROJECT myspace page to learn more about what you can do to help!

gail said...

Bloomberg's comments are ignorant and unconscienable, not to mention he becomes more arrogant and in-your-face as time passes.
Unless the premises surrounding the airports are made less attractive, other geese will return year after year and NYers should not tolerate this mass slaughter of wildlife. There are much more scientific and humane methods available to rid the area of geese.They didn't arrive overnight, nor will the problem be resolved in a day. The media should take some responsibility here as well. Everyone who gets on this bandwagon is a lemming, except for george, who is a moron.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda,
Pigeons are not flying rats; a joke in a Woody Allen movie doesn't make it so. In fact they are doves, very smart. Cher Ami saved 200 American lives in WWI.

Exis said...

George, you give athiests a bad rep! The mourning dove is the bird most frequently hit by planes, not geese.
There has to be a better way.
-An animal-loving athiest.

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