Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another reason to dump Marshall


Picture this -- a job that pays more than what most city workers make for taking snapshots of Queens Borough President Helen Marshall.

Despite a statewide austerity directive brought on by hard financial times, Marshall is renewing a contract with Dominick Totino Photography Inc., Of Flushing, for $85,000, according to a notice in the City Record, New York's municipal paper of record.

A spokesman for Marshall was unavailable. Totino did not immediately return a call.

Marshall and the city's four other borough presidents have come under recent fire for discretionary spending sprees despite diminished roles. Only Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz's 2009 discretionary spending budget of $302,000 exceeds Marshall's $280,000 fund.

Photo by AziPaybarah on Flickr.


georgetheatheist said...

Everywhere this dope goes she drags along this fatso to record her cow-droppings. Totino, aren't you sick of Helen Marshall already? Day in, day out; month in, month out; year in, year out. Over and over again botching-up speech after speech. Scarfing down shrimp at the buffet lines. Thinking she's a player.

Say cheese.

Anonymous said...

How's the 85 G's spent? One big check? 12 monthly installments? Weekly/bi-weekly payments? 1099's issued? Or W-2's? Employee or independent contractor?

Anonymous said...

85k for a photograper? No one can airbrush the aging face of this beep. Put the money back in the pot. Who did you hire; your son?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure anyone with a camera phone can take a better shot of Helen than camera "artiste" Totino can for 1/4 of the fee.

Nobody can improve her looks even if they used a fine German "Leica" instrument!

Does John Liu use the same photographer?

He'd out spend Marshal any day.

Think of the overtime pay the photographer would get since Johnny boy is the king of the photo op!

Anonymous said...

All part of feeding the voters trumped up images...attempting to convince us that our BP is really doing something for us.

I'd like to see some spy camera video of her back room dealings with the real estate developers who continually gut our borough leaving their piles of over developed crap behind for us to live with.

Fat chance!

Anonymous said...

All included in the clubhouse's budget.

Then they just raise our taxes to cover the expense.

Nobody can make Helen's mug look good for love or money.

Henri Cartier Bresson said...

Hey Two-ton-o. You gotta lose some weight.

georgetheatheist said...

Helen Marshall had Domenick Totino.

Adolf Hitler had Heinrich Hoffman.

"Official" photographers to fool the rabble.

Anonymous said...

Vote Hornak.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ira Cohen, Michael Kane, Christina Santucci, Michelle Kawka, Nat Valentine, et al.

Do you pull-in $85,000.00 a year photographing Marshall and the other pols?

Anonymous said...

Just think, "Dishing with Dee" Richards, while you're photographing Marshall for nothing, Totino's taking the exact same photo for big, big bucks.

Anonymous said...

What Borough Hall flack Dan Andrews can't take Marshall's picture with a point and shoot? What's he getting paid for?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this position be Civil Service?

Anonymous said...

Let's see. $85,000.00 divided by 52 equals $1,634,62 per week. Divide that by 5 equals $326.92 per day.

Sure beats minimum wage.

Anonymous said...

Does the photog have a union, too?

Anonymous said...

At her age, isn't she supposed to be "tired"?

Anonymous said...

We're certainly all getting tired of her "George"...that's for sure!

She should definitely retire.

georgetheatheist said...

Think about it, Helen Marshall spends over $300 of taxpayer money every day to promote herself with photographs. What a racket.

Anonymous said...

Wy is there a huge parking lot on Union Tpke only for use by the borough WTF do they do?

Anonymous said...

"A spokesman for Marshall was unavailable. Totino did not immediately return a call."

I'm listening. The silence is deafening.

ansel adams said...

Domenick "Heinrich Hoffman" Totino. ROTFLMAO.

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