Monday, June 1, 2009

$400,000 is like middle class to Bloomberg

From 1010WINS/AP:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn't think $400,000 a year is much for an annual salary.

The billionaire said at a campaign event that President Barack Obama "doesn't get paid that much'' and is "on a budget'' like millions of Americans.

Forbes magazine ranks Bloomberg the richest person in New York City and the 17th wealthiest in the world. His net worth is estimated at $16.5 billion.


Anonymous said...

I got so angry when I read this. THIS is the very reason New Yorkers need to vote Bloomrag out this November. He's totally out of touch!!!

I'll take 400K anyday.

Anonymous said...

NYC is just a rich man's toy to Mayor Bum-turd!


Anonymous said...

He's also touched in the head "Italian girl"!

Mr. Angry said...

This guy is such a god damned moron. Is he just walking around with his foot in his mouth this week or does he always say stupid shit like this?

I already know that answer to that one, I just wished the press would report every last stupid thing he says...

Anonymous said...

Can Bloomberg hire me as his secretary? I would only ask for a penurious $100,000 plus time and a half after 35 hours.

linda said...

you don't want to work for bloomass treats women like shit. wow and how did this man become the richest man in the city, etc etc, etc? he's abusing his powers through out the city in special interest. i bet if someone investergate this asshole they would see he owns stock in condos and real estate. how the hell did he make so much in two terms? please let's get rid of this man come november and all the developers will go away too.

PizzaBagel said...

you don't want to work for bloomass treats women like shit.-----------------------------------

No can be! According to his latest TV ad, in his third term he will be doing so much for female entrepreneurs. Are you saying that his campaign promises are untrue? I find that so hard to believe. Surely you must be confusing him with some other billionaire NYC politician. Bloomberg's a great guy. He's aces in my book. NOT!

Ridgewoodian said...

Um, he was talking about how much the President gets paid. And, you know, what, he's RIGHT. The average compensation of the CEOs of the S&P 500 is just north of $10 million. And they don't have to decide on war and peace. A President is absurdly cheap in comparison.

Four hundred grand is the current minimum wage among major league baseball players. I know no one gets themself elected President for the pay - you make your bank AFTER you leave the White House - but, personally, I think the leader of the free world (whoever that person happens to be, of whatever party) deserves a bit more than a kid just up from Triple-A or a scrub barely sticking around in the Bigs.

Queens Crapper said...

No, he said what he said - Obama doesn't get paid that much. Later, when asked about his remarks, the line he came up with was that Obama is underpaid for what he does. Obama also has a $50,000 personal expense account on top of money he chooses to pay out of pocket which most Americans don't.

Anonymous said...

Mike's just another out of touch Republican. The worm has turned for him as his political future dims.

Taxpayer said...

"Mike's just another out of touch Republican. The worm has turned for him as his political future dims."

God damn facts. So inconvenient.

The moron is a Democrat/Republican/Independent now running on each party line.

As for Obamoron not being paid sufficiently for someone who has to decide matters of war and peace: Why did he raise over $600 million to take a job that pays so little if he didn't like the pay? Didn't he fight tooth and nail for the job?

As for the Commissar Moron, he babbling his way out of the running. He is already way over the edge. He and the campaign know it.

Anonymous said...

"The moron (our mayor) is a Democrat/Republican/Independent now running on each party line."

Dear Taxpayer, if that is true. Then that would make Mike an out of touch, Neocon Republican, who's political future is over.

Brooks of Sheffield said...

Oh my God. He really doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

I would not be President even if they paid me a $1MM (not that I would have any chance of being elected). While $400K is a lot of money for most of us, I would argue that our jobs are not as demanding and do not carry the stress levels that being the leader of the most powerful nation in the world carries. Some idiot is being paid millions of dollars in Wall Street to push paper around and we think $400K is a lot of money to run the US. I can't think of another profession that has more responsibilities and consequences than being president.

Anonymous said...

"Mike's just another out of touch Republican. The worm has turned for him as his political future dims."

Thank for pointing this out Taxpayer. I'll just pile on a little more:

Hey ASSHOLE! He's not a Republican!

Now I feel better.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has lost it a long time ago - he is out of touch and does not understand how difficult it is for the average middle class person - you know; the folks who pay for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

To the voicer who thinks Obama doesn't get paid enough -- he knew what the job paid and he also gets free room and board. Don't forget about the millions he's made on book sales. Get a life!

Ridgewoodian said...

So, geniuses, how much SHOULD a president - ANY president, not just Obama - get paid? And how do you arrive at that figure?

Anonymous said...

A president should get a 'stipend" reflective of what congress thinks the job is worth. Currently, it's $400K. someday, it'll be raised. Lincoln made $25,000 (which translates into over $500K currently) so he actually made more than Obama, who wouldn't be president if it weren't for Lincoln! how's that for irony?

Missing Foundation said...

Entertainment and business people are no way entitled to the outragous salaries they get.

Did they invent a cure for cancer? Save a child, a community, ensure a public freedom (like no 3rd term)?


Only in the last 35 years or so have thse people getting this compensation - just about the time industry, as well as popular culture, fell into the toilet.

We need to bring back the 95% tax rate.

Anonymous said...

"Entertainment and business people are no way entitled to the outragous salaries they get."

A person is entitled to get what the market will carry or what they contract for or agree to.

"Did they invent a cure for cancer? Save a child, a community, ensure a public freedom (like no 3rd term)?"

"No?" No. what's your point?

"Only in the last 35 years or so have thse people getting this compensation - just about the time industry, as well as popular culture, fell into the toilet."

Agree totaly.

"We need to bring back the 95% tax rate."

No we need to bring back common sense, free markets, individual responsibility, intact families, and good old fashioned civic values. In other words, we need another, Greatest Generation.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...
Here is my can tell I grow fatigued covering Mike's idiotic comments as if he was the little emperor of NYC and he is.

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