Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lundy's fined for zoning violation

From the Daily News:

The gourmet food market and cafe that replaced famed Sheepshead Bay restaurant Lundy's finally opened its doors last week - and was promptly hit with sanctions by the city.

A day after the the Cherry Hill Gourmet Market and Restaurant opened, city inspectors found the business was in violation of special zoning rules, and operating without a certificate of occupancy.

Owner David Isaev was hit with a $5,000 penalty and issued two more violations that could result in additional fines.

Buildings Department spokeswoman Carly Sullivan said inspectors found Isaev was running a grocery store in violation of the terms of the Sheepshead Bay Special District.

The rules allow only water-related businesses such as boat shops and bait-and-tackle stores, in addition to restaurants and bars.

Isaev insists he plans to open a 400-seat restaurant on the second floor of the landmarked building, but opponents doubt those plans are for real.

Photo from Sheepshead Bites


-Joe said...

These Russians never uphold an agreement or the law.
Like shooting fish in a barrel when an inspector is allowed to go after them.
Why is it inspector’s hands (and eyes) are so zipped in places like Forest Hills, select houses in Middle Villiage yet allowd to do their job in Coney Island? said...

Joe: the inspector's hands, eyes and mouths are hardly open in Sheepshead Bay. Lundys/Cherry Hill was the first time in years that they've actually challenged a business in Sheepshead Bay's special zoning district (a zoning meant to keep business on the waterfront related TO the waterfront. Food, cafes, bait and tackle shops... that sort of stuff). But for years condos and unsuitable businesses have muscled their way in without a peep from the DOB. When community groups complain, they're often told by local leaders that the DOB could potentially be sued if they challenge the establishment. Lundy's-Cherry Hill, though, is definitely a case of selective enforcement. Perhaps it's because said local leaders found a great opportunity for grandstanding and photo ops in front of the building. Or maybe, just maybe, the DOB feels like it wants to finally flex its muscle. Who knows which.

We've been following this issue very closely at Sheepshead Bites. You can read about the history here:

-Joe said...

Jeez has Sheepshead Bay Changed !

Year ago if you dropped a gum wrapper or parked a "older" car in front sombodys house they were ready to kill ya.

I havent been there since the 80's. Breezy Point and Roxbery is still nice. I play there with my band July 4th.
No tweeds allowed and nice fireworks

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