State lawmakers are crafting a bill that may allow New Yorkers to both register and vote on the same day.
The bill, championed by State Sen. Joe Addabbo (D-Howard Beach), chairman of the Senate Elections Committee, would amend the state's constitution and eliminate registration deadlines of up to 25 days before an election.
Many voting rights advocates rank registration problems as among the most pervasive and discouraging hurdles for potential voters.
Critics of the plan have argued that same-day registration is prone to fraud, but Addabbo is confident that the plan being developed will not jeopardize the integrity of New York's elections.
Under the proposed system, voters who register at polling sites would be placed in a separate ballot pool to be verified and counted after the election, similar to the absentee ballot system.
Addabbo acknowledged that the changes could complicate close elections.
There's nothing wrong with deadlines for registration and we already have paper ballots for voters whose names are not listed in the registration books. So what is this bill really about?
I can see the hesitancy, but so long as there's a system in place to authenticate voters, there's nothing wrong with same day registration. Other states do it and it works fine. In person voter fraud is extremely difficult to pull off, absentee voting is where you see a higher incidence of fraud taking place. So despite the appearances, no conspiracy on this one.
"absentee voting is where you see a higher incidence of fraud taking place"
This seems to invite the same problems of absentee voting - verification. It puts an incredible burden on canvassing boards. Makes sense to aid those who have recently relocated, but not those who have been too lazy to register.
If you have lived in your particular District for a while, REGISTER TO VOTE. The 25 days is not out of line.
Anon 1 says that absentee voters are the biggest problem, and then advocates a system to add more 'absentee like' voters.
It all started with term limits.A week of bitching by the public and it is now forgotten.There's nothing to hold onto on the ol' slippery slope,we're fucked!
I work the elections and it a good idea. It works in other states but New Yorkers (especiaaly Queens) just seem to have to argue about everything.
I work the elections and it a good idea. It works in other states but New Yorkers (especiaaly Queens) just seem to have to argue about everything.
"so long as there's a system in place to authenticate voters, there's nothing wrong with same day registration"
And there is none. You don't need to show identification to vote in NYC. And who is going to actually be able to verify where you live and that you are voting in the appropriate district? This bill is for those times where there is a close election and the Dems want to stuff the ballot box.
What is this bill all about? Hmmm.... Maybe it's about making sure the Dems NEVER lose their majority status, by allowing illegal immigrants and convicted felons to vote.
They can't verify the voters that they have in the system now. Board of Elections has the worst records you can imagine. This guy is in office almost 6 months and this is his big idea? What a waste of time and breath.
I think if you register same day I am OK with it but just make them vote on paper and give it an ID#. So if the registration is bogus just shred the vote
The Board of Elections is full of Patronage waste of human life.
Senator Addabbo, are you now already squirreling away contributions from ACORN?
Explain how a citizen is burdened by having to register to vote 25 (or even more) days prior to an election? Exactly what is the burden? And, why is it a burden?
How is this proposal fair to those who register on time and vote in person, if the same-day register/voter is a fraud and cancels the vote of the legal voter?
It's about getting Jim Gennaro elected by St. John's students!
By the way...at the last election, there was at least one man from Nassau who was here to vote on Election Day.
What proof of residency will be required?
Vote often!!
Gimme a break! If the right to vote is precious to any potential voter registering 25 days in advance of an election is not an onerous burden by any stretch of the imagination. Empty suit Addabbo is pandering.
Come on people -- this is New York, the fraud capital of the world! Voting is a responsibility. Responsible people will make sure they are registered by the appropriate date. This is just another ploy to cram in illegal voters and votes so the Democrats will never lose their majority. The whole Board of Elections needs to be revamped. What a bunch of cronies. With all the taxes we pay, I find it hard to believe that there is no money in the budget to revamp this system. Something's not right with all of this. I hope this doesn't happen.
The guy's a sleezy crumb just like his Congressman father was. Get rid of them all. Vote them out NOW!!!!!
Submit a bill that states you have to show ID-drivers license with correct address in order to vote
You have to show your driver's license or passport in order to fly on a plane, so why can't people do it at the polls. The workers can match up the name on the roster with the proof. They bust your chops at the airport to go on vacation, but they don't ID you at the polls. Something is very wrong here!
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