An effort to reform the lax state teacher-tenure rules that allow bad-apple educators to stay on the job for years was effectively killed by a low-key politician from Queens.
Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, the chair of the Education Committee, refused to allow the rest of the legislative body to vote on a bill that would have empowered a commission to study how students' standardized test scores can be used.
The relatively modest commission was a compromise reached last year to settle a bitter feud between school boards, including the New York City Department of Education, and the United Federation of Teachers over how test scores can be factored into tenure evaluations.
Nolan is an ally of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and owes her committee appointments to him.
Another lame loser pol representing Queens. We need a royal flush, and quickly. Anyone buying her crap?
I wonder which one of Nolans three chins met with UFT today ?
She's so hot!
she is the biggest hack phony in albany. the sad part is once doorman gioia loses his race for public advocate, he will be taking her out. dont know which is worse.
What a hack. She goes around making believe she is against the queens machine but she spends her day up Shelly Silvers ass. What a piece of excrement !
Cathy Nolan is the single most disliked person in Albany by her collegues. That is really saying something.
Female Porky Pig. Oink ! OInk ! Oink !
What is with that huge mole on her face ? That mole is bigger than some peoples heads.
Hey remember. This is the piece of garbage that voted for the repeal of the commuter tax. A complete utter piece of garbage. The biggest hack in Albany.
Nolan Chinny Chiny Lie # 1: "I am a poor liberal woman in a district of neanderthal Archie Bunker men. Woe is me, New York Times editorial Board."
Nolan Chinny Chiny Lie # 2: "I hate the Quueens political machine. I am totally against it. "
Nolan Chinny Chin Lie # 3: "I am a big supporter of women"
This disgusting animal spends her entire day in Albanyu fighting and badmouthing young women, especially if they are halfway attractive. She is the typical fat girl in high school. No one asked her out so she gets back at women today. She is really hated.
She had hip surgery because how could any bones hold up the enormous weight of that fat ass ! She has spent thirty years eating of special interests.
Her neck is the size of a truck. For Gods sake woman, show some restraint. It obvious you hate yourself but your going to eat yourself into the grave.
One of the worst legislators in the State. I am impressed with the focus the NY Post is putting on her. Something tells me this is far from over.
Nolan and that ugly animal Randi Weingarden have a very, very special relationship. Cathy isnt just hogging down the hotdogs but likes to do a little carpet munching as well I hear.
I once saw her at a public event in Sunnyside and I was looking at the ground and she was wearing sandals and I saw her toenails. They were yellow and gnarled like. She is really putrid.
Other than Crappy, no one takes down an elected official the way the NY Post does. Nolan, your days are on the public payroll are coming to an end. Taxpayers will be relieved of your treachery once the Post is done with you.
I live in her district and she is horrible. She sends out newsletters with pictures of her from 1980. Calling her office is like speaking to the FBI. They are completely useless. If you ask about one of the many bad votes she takes, they lie. And if you ask about Shelly Silver they claim Nolan disagrees with him a lot. I see her at events and she makes believe she is some reformer. She is actually the most disgusting loathing kind of elected offcials. At least Ohnorato doesnt make believe he works.
I wonder what kind of special priveleges she has gotten because she was Education Chair ????? hmmmmm.
Either fat ass husband Gerry cant get it up, or the Lord prevented this barren woman from multiplying her disgusting species.
when you have so much hatred in you as this horse does, why would the Lord reward you with a child ?
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