Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bring us your viruses!

So the swine flu appears to have spread to other parts of the City and around the world, but we are the only nation who is not screening or restricting travelers because of the virus. This makes sense.


Anonymous said...

This is not a joke anymore, and you seem to know that.


PizzaBagel said...

"Give me your tired, your poor, your achy, your hacking, your vomiting, yearning to be treated for free at the taxpayers' expense."

Taxpayer said...
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Anonymous said...

It looks like taxpayer finally understands!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The clubhouse continues to import their votes along with the crime and exotic diseases that follow!

Only the ignorant...these newly arrived...can keep them in power because they're much more easily tweeded than the savvy natives!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Make up your mind - is it the damn dirty illegals who are bringing the virus, or your neighbors returning from Spring Break in Cancun?

Anonymous said...

The St Francis Prep kids aren't illegals....I don't think so.

Lets just get this over with so my body can develop an immunity to it after. I'm tired of running from the parents who bring there congested, coughing, snot-dripping kids on the train.

Wade Nichols said...

we are the only nation who is not screening or restricting travelers because of the virusWhy should we screen airline passengers? That would be: judgemental, hateful, mean-spirited, and worst of all......RACIST!!!!!

Places like Singapore and Hong Kong don't have the stupid hang ups that the Mandarins in charge of the U.S. have. They learned from the SARS epidemic, and are already screening people, even at work.

Anonymous said...

Wade Nichols, you always play the race card. Yet what "race" are we to suppose air travellers to be? (Yes, I understand you're being characteristically sarcastic. But in this case, more than usual, it seems contrived.)

Media Mentions, can you tinyurl or shorlify that?

Anonymous said...

And Americans can easily become the "mongrel with fleas" taking this disease from our country to the rest of the world, particularly when we have troops fighting two different wars rapidly deployed from place to place, just like in World War I.

We need to practice good hygiene, be wary of crowded areas and avoid hysteria.

Wade Nichols said...

Wade Nichols, you always play the race card. Yet what "race" are we to suppose air travellers to be?How did I play the "race card"? Where did I mention, for instance: singling out Mexicans for screening? I made no mention of race, you brought it up.

There's noting racial involved with screening airline passengers at JFK or Newark. Simply set up a thermal body temperature device and take passengers' temperatures. Have a nurse on duty, in case someone's temperature is higher than normal. Quarantine people if their temperature is too high.

I traveled throughout Asia during the SARS epidemic. I had to fill out questionnaires in several countries (Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong), and pass through a temperature device in Singapore and Hong Kong. I never considered it "racial". It was annoying, but necessary.

Why do you find it so hard to understand? Who's playing the "race card" now? Chump!

(Yes, I understand you're being characteristically sarcastic. But in this case, more than usual, it seems contrived.)Unlike you, I have a sense of humor. I need it to deal with knuckleheads like you, and it gets me through the day. My blood pressure is also quite normal, slightly lower than normal, in fact.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Wade Nichols said...

He thought that when people said he would have a third term "when pigs fly" were wrong until he heard that "swine flew."Message to Taxpayer:

I just read the above comment you posted yesterday about Bloom-terd. That's the funniest line of the day!

I appreciate a witty wordsmith!

Unknown said...

This is why we aren't screening or restricting travelers:

It doesn't really work once the disease is inside your country, not to mention the massive economic effect travel restrictions can have. Since we already have the flu (and it got into New York via kids returning from spring break, remember) the best tactic is developing a vaccine while encouraging people to limit congregating in large gatherings.

Wade Nichols said...

This is why we aren't screening or restricting travelers: From the article above:

At his news conference on Wednesday night, President Obama also said that "every American should know that their entire government is taking the utmost precautions and preparations."

(Yes, this is the same government that allows a large jet plane accompanied with 2 F-16 fighter planes to fly around the Statue of Liberty, and doesn't inform the public before. I have full faith and confidence in our elected officials and civil servants! NOT!)

Those measures include strengthening surveillance of travelers entering America, examining and testing people who might be exhibiting flu-like symptoms, and alerting Americans in Mexico, where the disease still seems to be at its worst.
How does that explain why we aren't screening passengers? That seems to be saying that we should!

Missing Foundation said...

doesn't really work once the disease is inside your country, not to mention the massive economic effect travel restrictions can have.

This thing got to US via Mexico, be it spring break or the border (as in Calif and Texas)

Sure, its nice to run around the world on junkets, but if its at the price of carrying nasty stuff back with you, the economic benefits are not all in the positive column.

The point is this stuff comes from the third world. And as long as we have contact with the 3rd world, and have 3rd world conditions in our country, it will fester.

As another poster said before (speaking of wordsmiths), when the trust fund babies of Brooklyn Heights catches this from their nannies who themselves are living in crowded illegal basements in Queens, we will have all kinds of reasons for cross border control.

Speed the plow.

Wade Nichols said...
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Missing Foundation said...

he he he

Sorry kiddo, the party is indeed over.

This mess started under Reagan, when those tags first appeared, and only was forstalled for decade or so by the collapse of Communism and the Russian mafia flooding the market with a fire sale of the former Soviet Union.

Well thats gone and the hens have come home to roost.

(as to nannies, I recall an interesting snippet once: a minority nanny was taking her blond hair tyke out for a walk on the East Side, and enticing him with all sorts of greasy treats - macroni and cheese, and the like - and the youngster was beaming in anticipation of going to her place in the ghetto and feasting on all sorts of transfat goodies.

I chuckled at mommy, a professional that must have prided herself in raising that kid the 'right' way - only to have her work all but undermined by the street the moment her back was turned.)

Oh those moments of life filled with pure irony.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that sees that less than 200 people having this in the ENTIRE COUNTRY is not a pandemic? And hello..... ITS THE FLU.... it kills the same people the regular influenza virus would kill.... the elderly and the very young, and those with already weakened immune systems. Why is the whole country going into hysteria over this? It is treated just like the regular flu, and has the same symptoms.

Anyone remember the hysteria over the bird flu, and SARS? Those too were supposed to be pandemics with no cures. Funny that you dont hear about those anymore killing off millions of people everyone thought they would. Everyone in the media, and the morons listening to it, need to get wake up. The standard flu virus killed 30,000 people last year. Did that make news? was it considered a pandemic? no. It was considered flu season.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wade Nichols said, feigning innocence:
"How did I play the "race card"? ... I made no mention of race, you brought it up."

I quote the previous WN offering:
"Why should we screen airline passengers? That would be: judgemental, hateful, mean-spirited, and worst of all......RACIST!!!!!"

So yes, you did make mention of race. As always, to prop up your straw men.

And who gives a flying meatball about your blood pressure? I surely didn't inquire. Are you really so desperate to boast about something?

Anonymous said...

Wade said that, predicting the reaction that no doubt would follow from the lefties if medical screening were conducted to combat the flu. He didn't say anything bigoted about a particular race.

Wade Nichols said...

And who gives a flying meatball about your blood pressure? I surely didn't inquire. Are you really so desperate to boast about something?Boasting? Hardly. Simply demonstrating that I don't let insignificant things bother me.

Wade said that, predicting the reaction that no doubt would follow from the lefties if medical screening were conducted to combat the flu. He didn't say anything bigoted about a particular race.Thank you! Someone who has some common sense and a well developed sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

this machine only shows the temp' if the person is sick at that moment, so if you're maybe a carrier and don't show any signs till days later what would be the purpose? shouldn't they be screening passengers from the other country trying to leave to go home? it doesn't show swine in your system only body temps... I don't know this shit makes no sense, i just suggest don't go to countries that are somewhat dirty.

Anonymous said...

Wade said that, predicting the reaction that no doubt would follow from the lefties if medical screening were conducted to combat the flu. He didn't say anything bigoted about a particular race.

Right. No doubt. Which means he's playing the race card to set up a straw man argument. No "lefties" around here even have to mention racism, because Wade always thrusts it in everyone's face from the get-go.

Typical right-wing preemptive hysteria, which I thought had gone out of style.

Anonymous said...

Close the borders. Close the barn door even though some of the horses got out.

Speak English. This is AMERICA!

Wade Nichols said...

Typical right-wing preemptive hysteria, which I thought had gone out of style.Wow! Typical left-wing paranoia, accusing others of "right-wing hysteria". You'd better get your tin foil hat adjusted.

What's next? I'm a "specist" because I oppose the swine flu? I'm an Islamophobe because I use the term swine flu?

These people who find "racism" behind every rock are the types of people that think every rope is a snake. (No offense to Mr. Plissken)

Why does "Anony-mouse" fixate on my innocuous posts so much? I must be doing something right!

Anonymous said...

where's "Salvatore" on all this ?

We don't hear from him anymore?

Has he gone back across the Rio Grande?

Anonymous said...

This is just revenge for not giving out green cards fast enough to the Mex's!

Anonymous said...

Another, more serious, form of Montezuma's revenge!

Anonymous said...

In virus veritas!

Viva vino...
the best form of flu vaccine!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately diseases are implacable killers and they don't give a fig for the stale lines of either right or left.

Let us hope that this potential contagion is nipped in the bud Tout de suite.

georgetheatheist said...

Vivat Vinum.

Wade Nichols said...

Vivat Vinum.

I'll second that.

I read how the British troops in colonial India used to receive rations of beer and port wine, since the water was so bad.

Where's "Anony-mouse"? I'm sure he'll crawl from under his rock and accuse me of "Racism!".

Anonymous said...

Traditionally swabbies received a rum ration as well. It wasn't the bad water, it was the alcoholism among the troops. After all, many of them were the sweepings of London's slums and had all kinds of problems.

Anonymous said...

"These people who find "racism" behind every rock blah blah blah"

See, this is the funny thing. Nobody found racism anywhere, but you were sure baiting for it! So yes, you are doing something right. You're a master baiter, Wade Nichols!


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