Wednesday, March 18, 2009

State Senate takes tolls off the table

From NY1:

Senate Democrats are no longer considering a plan to place tolls on city-owned East River and Harlem River bridges, according to NY1 sources.

State lawmakers are now said to be looking at a short-term fix which would save the MTA from having to implement massive fare hikes and service cuts right now.

According to sources briefed on the plan, it includes a payroll tax of a quarter of one percent. Subway and bus fares will also go up an estimated four percent.

Planned service cuts will be avoided.

The plan, however, does not address the agency's long-term capital spending on projects such as new stations or the Second Avenue subway line.


Anonymous said...

This is on and off the table faster than an Albany whore.

Anonymous said...

new stations or the Second Avenue subway line.

Forget about the Second Ave subway line - it can wait as it had for decades. They have an extensive bus route system to compensate and taxis/limos galore - who's kiding who here!

Anonymous said...

So everyone should pay higher taxes so that the people who actually use the bridges don't have to pay any more. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Anonymous said...

I called Smith's office this morning, requesting that he stop dodging the press, and fully explain his actions. Among commuters, this plan will hurt full-time students the most.

Does Smith expect them to quit school in order to be able to pay for the increased fares?

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand -- why does everybody but drivers have to pay? The poor and middle class are getting slammed here, and politicians want to continue the free ride for a tiny minority of wealthy drivers. What gall.

Anonymous said...

So, why do drivers going from the Queens to the Bronx have to pay for subway riders?

Anonymous said...

Give the taxi drivers a toll exemption, and problem solved. With the biggest opponents out of the way, toll ahead!

Anonymous said...

"So, why do drivers going from the Queens to the Bronx have to pay for subway riders?"

Uh, because buses and subways are better than more car traffic, that's why. Higher subway fares means fewer riders and probably more drivers. Now, I think you can figure out what happens then.

Anonymous said...

You think public transportation is an option if you live in Queens and work in the Bronx or vice versa? You've got to be kidding me.

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