Saturday, March 28, 2009

Despite fines, NYC still full of crap

From the NY Post:

New Yorkers are in for some more crappy news.

The city is on pace to issue roughly the same number of tickets this year as it did last for dog walkers neglecting to scoop up canine poop despite more than doubling the fine from $100 to $250.

The Department of Sanitation handed out an average of 56 tickets per month between Jan. 1, 2008, and Nov. 6, 2008, when the fine was $100, records show.

Since the $250 penalty was put in place Nov. 7, 2008, the department has issued an average of 54 monthly violations, department statistics show.


Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about littering anymore?

Anonymous said...

NYS Sanitation culd have a field day in Maspeth. Evryday I see someone littering. No, no one does care about littering and its a disgrace. Expecially in my neck of the woods Maspeth Avenue, 56 Drive and 56 Road. People throw garbage out the car windows on Maspeth Avenue. Many patrons of the two Polish Deli's have disgusting habits. They go into the deli but before they do they throw their ciggarette butt on the floor. Dont they think that is littering? Throwing a germ coated butt onto the sidewalk! Then they go into the deli buy a new pack of cigarattes or gum and then come out and throw the wrapper onto the sidewalk again.

One time I was so annoyed I asked a 40 something year old man why he would do that in his new country.

He said, in his stilted English "They will clean"

Dog owners in this area are also negligent in their crap removal. They walk their dog along Maspeth Avenue and let their dog crap right in the middle of the sidewalk.

They inconvenience everyong else to make life convenient for themselves. Selfish Arrogant Just plain rude.

Anonymous said...

NYS Sanitation culd have a field day in Maspeth. Evryday I see someone littering. No, no one does care about littering and its a disgrace. Expecially in my neck of the woods Maspeth Avenue, 56 Drive and 56 Road. People throw garbage out the car windows on Maspeth Avenue. Many patrons of the two Polish Deli's have disgusting habits. They go into the deli but before they do they throw their ciggarette butt on the floor. Dont they think that is littering? Throwing a germ coated butt onto the sidewalk! Then they go into the deli buy a new pack of cigarattes or gum and then come out and throw the wrapper onto the sidewalk again.

One time I was so annoyed I asked a 40 something year old man why he would do that in his new country.

He said, in his stilted English "They will clean"

Dog owners in this area are also negligent in their crap removal. They walk their dog along Maspeth Avenue and let their dog crap right in the middle of the sidewalk.

They inconvenience everyong else to make life convenient for themselves. Selfish Arrogant Just plain rude.

Taxpayer said...

Is anyone else noticing a greater number of seagulls in their neighborhood?

They can be spotted eating from fast food containers in the street, obviously thrown from car windows.

And, isn't there a TB scare? How much of the tossed litter has been inside the mouth of a TB victim? Is tossed food a TB transmission path?

Anonymous said...

DSNY: Pay a visit to Forest Hills, the north side of Queens Blvd-- all the side streets are full of crap. Bring an extra summons book!

Anonymous said...

Tossed food does not create Tuberculosis. This is a respiratory disease typically spread by people in close contact with each other who breath the same air. As such, it is most commonly found where overcrowded conditions, poverty and malnutrition bring people into close contact and weaken the immune system.

If you fear that you have been exposed to TB at any time an inexpensive and safe skin test is available to diagnose this ailment.

Anonymous said...

SNY: Pay a visit to Forest Hills, the north side of Queens Blvd-- all the side streets are full of crap. Bring an extra summons book!

the south side is worse! only the dog walkers in the gardens clean up. i've even had dog sh*t on my lawn!

Anonymous said...

Come to Bellerose, They are doing the same thing, walk the dog and don't pick up the po.

Anonymous said...

People from other countries not to mention, throw out garbage from the car window, I caught a young lady in front of my home and told her I don't come to your home and clean out my car and leave the garbage. I understand where they come from they have sweepers ,so they throw every thing in the street.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...
Yes I have noticed a quite few large seagulls in my area. They were chasing and eating the little sparrows. I put out seed for the small birds and then along come the seagulls and eat the little birds.
They are worse than pigeons.
Where is NYC Sanitation-why dont they give out littering summons?

Snake Plissskin said...

This is a quality of life thing that wastes city resources by diverting it from tweeder programs, painting bike lanes, and city planning.

No one ever made money, or got elected by cleaning up garbage.

Yet another tiresome middle class complaint that makes the klubhouse look bad. The press will not cover it (except spastically) and no politican will discuss it (except when their faces are rubbed into a particularly egregous problem that has festered for months)

Deal with it.

Artful Dodd-ger said...

Lets start a new feature (like Democratic Dictionary)

Call it the Crapper Pardox

Notice that litter and overflowing garbage is directly related to the percentage of immigrants in a community?

Notice that the amount of complaints on litter and overflowering garbage is inversely related to the percentage of immigrants in a community?

Anonymous said...


Crapper Paradox

Anonymous said...

Come to Flooshing. Certain groups buy pocket dogs in droves (and you know they're coming from puppy mills), and then refuse to license or microchip them. They dump them when they get sick or old. And it goes without saying that they don't walk them on leash or pick up after them. Visit the area around Bowne Park if you want to really see some Queens crap! Oh wait, we're talking about fecal matter, not the shoddy new homes replacing the gorgeous Tudors! What a world, what a world!

Ridgewoodian said...

Artful Dodd-ger: Notice that litter and overflowing garbage is directly related to the percentage of immigrants in a community?

Notice that the amount of complaints on litter and overflowering
[sic] garbage is inversely related to the percentage of immigrants in a community?

Do you have actual numbers to back up these claims? What's the source of these numbers and by what methodology were they collected and interpreted? Were they published in a peer-reviewed journal and subjected to the critical scrutiny of an informed readership? It sounds like it would be an interesting study; perhaps you can point me towards it. Or are you yet another Queens Crap blowhard?

Anonymous said...

Well don't know about peer journals, but the city's own numbers show it.

Ridgewoodian said...

Well, maybe you know which streets and neighborhoods those numbers and sections refer to; I admit I don't. But assuming I did I would still want to find out 1) how those numbers were collected and how reliable they are, and 2) how they relate to the number of immigrants in a given neighborhood since, as Artful Dodd-ger wrote, "litter and overflowing garbage is directly related to the percentage of immigrants in a community."

Of course, even assuming that some kind of relationship could be established between the amount of litter and the number of immigrants that wouldn't be the end of the story. Not even close. Because every statistician in the world will tell you this: Correlation does not imply causation. In other words, if the streets are full of litter it might be because damn foreigners are dirty. But, conversely, it might just as well be that already dirty areas - which are probably blighted and lacking basic services - attract newly arrived immigrants because, as less desirable areas, they're cheaper to live in. That, after all, has been the entire history of the immigrant experience in this city going back to the time of the dirty Negros, the dirty Irish, the dirty Jews, the dirty Italians, etc. etc. etc.

I think the Dodd-ger’s paradox has still not been proven to exist.

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