Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big fat pay raises issued in Albany

From NY1:

To the victors go the spoils. Fresh from ousting Republicans from more than 40 years of state senate control, Democrats have dished out hundreds of thousands of dollars in raises to select staffers, even amid a fiscal crisis expected to require tax hikes and deep spending cuts.

A NY1 investigation found about three dozen aides saw their salaries grow in the past three months.


Anonymous said...

To quote myself, "politics is all in the temporary". Over exuberant democrats have overplayed their hand.

Anonymous said...

If they got the money from cuts to former Republican top aides and it evens out then this is OK

Anonymous said...

City Council pay increase, the Mayor's staff pay increase, Albany pay increase.

Economic crisis?

What economic crisis?

Anonymous said...

What happened to our Senate office in this part of the district. Another broken promise.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, all the money was spent on pay raises instead.

Anonymous said...

Crowley and Adabo all talk no action.

Anonymous said...

I echo the comment regarding the former majority presumably getting a pay cut. That part I don't hear about, did they get a pay cut now that they don't have the majority responsibilities, and it's essentially a wash?

Anonymous said...

That does not matter. We are in a period of fiscal crisis and NO ONE should be getting a raise. They should be happy they are employed.

Anonymous said...

shouldn't we be cutting these bum salaries, why does Albany on both sides need so many staffers, they don't even do anything, it's not a full time job let alone a part time job.

Anonymous said...

What? Are we supposed to be morons who roll over for the elites?

New York State took in "Stimulus" money from us.

These raises are just a permanent bonus.

Tax the recipients at 98%.

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