Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ax to fall on Queens library budget

From NY1:

The mayor's proposed cuts to the library system, combined with state cuts, amounts to $18 million in reductions for the Queens library system.


Anonymous said...

It's always that way. At least all of us who are unemployed won't miss the loss of Saturday hours. We have all day to hang out.

Anonymous said...

please please queens crap. do something about those double full page ads the library takes out every week in the queens weeklies. Jimmy Van Bramer is trying to buy press favor for himself. Please civic leaders, this is a huge issue. a few hundred thousand of dollars have been spent on these ridiculous two page listings of every librarys address. please expose this horror. all while they are closing libraries. did you know galente has two other full time jobs ? zoning issue is fine but you can relally help us by exposing this corruption.

Anonymous said...

The library board, like all major Queens 'cultural' institutions, is filled with developers.

They could sustain the library with a tiny fraction of what they mine out of our communities.

Anonymous said...

They could sustain the library with a tiny fraction of what they mine out of our communities.


Anonymous said...

Serves an immigrant population, the darling of the machine.

Since they will not object to any abuse by the city, the library will and can do anything its board wishes.

Anonymous said...

Knowledge is power. Think about it...

georgetheatheist said...

What are the other jobs Galante has?

Anonymous said...

Queens Library has been wasting money for years. In their relentless quest to brag that they have the highest circulation, they buy 500-1,000 copies of every new "bestseller," and then three months later the books are either in the garbage or in the book sale for pennies.

Someone also needs to look into the construction they're doing at their Central Library in Jamaica. They bought the former Cristal nightclub next door, spent who knows how many thousands of dollars renovating it so they could expand into it -- and now, lo and behold, they've changed their minds and have demolished it so it can become a Children's Discovery Center. How many thousands were wasted during the first renovation? A Library is for reading and research -- a museum is a discovery center.

Anonymous said...

when we have internet why we need to waste tax payer dollars on libraries, which are places for pedophiles and homeless people to hang out?

Anonymous said...

1. Everyone does not have the internet. For some it's the library that has the internet.

2. Pedophiles and homeless predators are even more common on the street where watchful librarians are not around to intercept trouble or ask why school age children are not in school during school hours.

3. Libraries offer music, out-of-print books, DVD's, Movies and other materials free of cost to people who otherwise would not have access to them because of poverty.

4.Many professional scholars require access to original texts, many of which will never appear on the internet.

5. Libraries provide workshops, job hunting resources and other social networking resources that help the unemployed, the handicapped, the aging and the very young participate in a positive way in their communities, meet neighbors and share concerns.

Anonymous said...

The major problem with funding for the public libraries is that they are considered cultural institutions in the budget, not educational institutions. The primary role of libraries is educational, and many of the secondary services are cultural.

Anonymous said...

the queens library doesn't seem too inclined to employ American citizens. The majority of people employed at local libraries are not local, shipped in from every where except the United States. why is this?

they have a new American's program with language classes, resume writing, job development services all for the new Americans (illegal immigrants).

There are many programs for illegal immigrants and their anchor/jackpot babies. If I didn't know better I would say that the political purpose of this library was to encourage illegal immigration.

according to the QBPL, the old Americans can drop dead.

I would like to see a program at QBPL on the draw backs and dangers of illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

I'm an "Old American," third-generation in Astoria, and I constantly use the Queensboro library for all of my books and video.

So far as, "Illegal Aliens" goes, the Library is not the INS and is not tasked with exploring anyone's immigration status. If you think plenty of "Americans" don't need resume or interviewing help in this economy, you are beaming in from another planet. This is the worst I've seen in 20 years.

Anonymous said...

I happen to be an American who was born here, and I work at the Queens Library. My branch has immigrants AND people born here working there.

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