Monday, February 23, 2009

Waterfront park to be plasticized

Bloomberg to Waste Millions of our Dollars:

Dreier-Offerman Park, also known as Calvert Vaux Park, is about to undergo millions of dollars in renovations. A major part of the Department of Parks & Recreation's plan calls for replacing the natural turf with artificial turf. What's wrong with this picture?

Remember that this is at a time when the city is tearing up toxic artificial turf fields in the Bronx and the City Council is considering banning certain artificial recreational surfaces. In addition, Mayor Bloomberg recently called for strengthening the city's wetland protection laws. Can someone please call the mayor and let him know that part of Dreier-Offerman Park IS wetland and ALL of it drains into wetlands?


Anonymous said...

"Can someone please call the mayor and let him know that part of Dreier-Offerman Park IS wetland and ALL of it drains into wetlands?"

But that will interfere with his kickbacks from the artificial turf scam.

Anonymous said...

Another reason why half of Queens is under water. Didn't the Civil Engineers have to restore century gone drainage to Oakland Lake within the last few years?

Do you have to be an engineer to know that water has to go somewhere? I hate artificial turf and I also hate woods torn up to create ballfields that only a small minority of the neighborhood children will ever play one.

New York City hosts many rare orchids, flowers, birds, and amphibians. Perhaps the loss of money for mischief-making will have some good effects.

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