Thursday, February 19, 2009

A moment of silence for the donkey

From the Daily News:

Staff and fans of the Queens Zoo are mourning the loss of Glory, the beloved donkey who lived there for 16 years.

Glory, who was at least 36 years old, died Jan. 26.

"He definitely had dedicated fans who will be disappointed he is no longer with us," said Scott Silver, director of the Queens Zoo in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park.

"This is an animal who was visited by millions of New Yorkers."

In fact, Glory was a three-borough donkey. He started his career at the Central Park Zoo in 1972 before being moved to the Bronx Zoo.

Glory, who enjoyed his solitude, generally kept to himself, zookeepers said. He did, however, have a soft spot for the young lambs.

"The funny thing about Glory is that he didn't really like the other horses," Silver said. "He did let the lambs scoot underneath the wire fence and graze with him. But if any of the adult sheep tried to do that, he would chase them back."


Anonymous said...

You will be missed Glory.

Anonymous said...

Love the Queens Zoo-- the perfect zoo for parents with younger children-- the best deal in New York--family membership at the various NY Zoos and aquarium. When my kids were small, we'd go to the Queens Zoo after school and to the Bronx Zoo or Aquarium on school holidays.

Anonymous said...

Old glory and his donkey friends should give some ass*s a good kicking.

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