Thursday, February 26, 2009

Appreciating Astoria

Forgotten-NY looks at a slice of Astoria. Click photo for story.


georgetheatheist said...

Does anyone have any info when the Kaufman-Astoria Studios was the Army Pictorial Center? I always heard that during WWII, army training films where produced there. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy this while it lasts:

Second Sunday panel discussion this week at the Noguchi Museum, called “Long Island City, The Northern Edge: Its Future.” Along with Alyson Baker, executive director of Socrates, other panelists included Richard Maltz, a principal of the local real estate firm Greiner-Maltz; John Young, director of the Department of City Planning in Queens, and moderator Donald Elliot, a Noguchi Museum trustee and former chairman of the city Planning Commission.

Young, of the Queens DOP, also brought a positive outlook to the panel, summarizing his agency’s Astoria rezoning project, creating “more orderly and predictable ways for the community to grow and evolve.”

Anonymous said...

CB1 the community board from hell!

Anonymous said...

Arn't the LICA folks fighting the studio expansion - they want to start to take over the neighborhood blocking off streets, etc.

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath - their top guys are political foamers holding secret meetings with the pols.

Anonymous said...

more orderly and predictable ways for the community to grow and evolve.”


Anonymous said...

No civics to speak of, near the mass transit lines, sharp increase in absentee landlords and Mexican reastaurants - lots of green red and white, and blue, red, and yellow and green and yellow signs lately.

I would put my money elsewhere (unless I was a speculator, of course)

Anonymous said...

Xenophobes unite!

Anonymous said...

I guess if you resist having your neighborhood turned into a third world cesspool, it means you are considered a xenophobe. Behavior is the problem, not the country of origin. "Defining deviancy down" was coined by a liberal Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Astoria has always welcomed people of all kinds--just be decent. I was always amazed that Archie Bunker lived in Astoria according to "All in the Family". Even when the show was on, I saw completely different-looking houses in my neighborhood and completely-different looking people. Astoria has always contained tons of Ethnic Whites, Irish with brogues, Southern Italians, Greeks, all the people that the 19th Century deemed, "Not White." It is never been a haven of WASPS.

Queens Crapper said...

That's because it was written in Hollywood by someone with a chip on his shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Astoria has always welcomed people of all kinds--just be decent.

go on and see asshole moderators at work.

We LOVE taco trucks!

We LOVE bike lanes!

WHAT sewage plant that backs up?

How DARE you say that about that politian?

How CAN you criticise development?

What is WRONG with an 11 story senior center on a block of 3 story buldings?

These people have as much to do with the real Astoria as Archie Bunker.

Anonymous said...

"These people have as much to do with the real Astoria as Archie Bunker."

I never tire of these comments. Have you actually read through the blog? or did you stop after the 1 line that satisfied your opinion?

The person who didnt smell the sewage plant, probably didnt live anywhere near it and hence, did not know of its existence. I go to the blog often, and MANY people complain about the smells, the congestion, etc, and even the politicians that dont do anything about it.

You say they dont know the "real Astoria" Well judging by everyones comments here, it is now and has always been a decrepid cesspool. So it looks like them loving taco carts and bike not making the community better or worse. As a native NY'r and one that lives in Astoria...I hate taco trucks, but love the bike lanes.

Anonymous said...

Pevious poster is indeed your typical habitue:

note bike lanes, sewage plant, taco trucks are ok to discuss, but, like pious Jews who do not use the word G*d, we dare even utter the holy words P*l*t*c*ns or D*v*l*p*m*nt.


How DARE you say that about that politican?

How CAN you criticise development?

What is WRONG with an 11 story senior center on a block of 3 story buldings?

Anonymous said...

Astoria is not "a decrepid cesspool," but it is under increasing attack. I am a third generation resident, have lived here nearly 50 years. I always felt safe on the streets because the local men were real men and would put a bat to the head of a rapist or mugger.

I always ate the best foods from the finest supermarkets and restaurants well-stocked with every variety of food under the sun and employing hard-working and good people.

The streets have always been alive with people all hours of the day and night. You can get a meal when you wish, stay out late and see a movie. It is a good place, but it is getting wrecked by overbuilding and rising costs.

Anonymous said...

It is a good place, but it is getting wrecked by overbuilding and rising costs.

No civics worth the name, number of absentee landlords skyrocketing, growing transient immigrant population with no vested interest in the community's future, and a leadership that has written it off, but try everything they can to keep things in under the rug (see entries about while they rip out the pipes.

20 years ago it was a rival of Hoboken. 20 year from now it wil be a rival of Elmhurst.

Anonymous said...

It is a good place, but it is getting wrecked by overbuilding and rising costs.

Dont worry, you buddy Vallone is planning to downzone his back yard and upzone the rest of the community. If you live within spitting distance of DeMarco Park you have nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

It is a good place, but it is getting wrecked by overbuilding and rising costs.

Dont worry, you buddy Vallone is planning to downzone his back yard and upzone the rest of the community. If you live within spitting distance of DeMarco Park you have nothing to worry about.

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