Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why it's bad to have a one-party city

The production worthy of attention, as usual, has been taking place behind the curtains. That would be Bloomberg's attempt to use Caroline Kennedy to advance his own campaign to win reelection in 2009.

What seemed to be an inevitable acceptance of Bloomberg's bid to undo term limits by allowing himself a third bite at the Big Apple engendered a greater backlash than the mayor, accustomed to buying easy acquiescence, had expected.

He's backing Kennedy as much for his own gain as hers—to open up a potential path for himself to run back into the Democratic Party he left in order to dodge the party primary in his successful 2001 bid for the office. Bloomberg is now courting New York City’s county chairs to set up a possible run next year as a Democrat.

Camelot, The Puppet Show

Graphic from Gotham Gazette


Kevin Walsh said...

I'm not a political expert but why WOULD Bloomie run as a Democrat? He'd have to get into the primary process against Thompson and Weiner (whom the Silvers and Crowleys would support) and spend more millions than he'd like to secure a Democratic nomination.

Better to run on the Independence Party line, no primaries or just token opposition.

It's clear why the machine wants Caroline filling the seat: Obama's ear and big $$$$ for the popular vote in 2010. The Republicans would run Peter King, who will lose. Rudy, as we've seen, isn't electable in the red states and it'd be impossible to elect him here again.

Anonymous said...

I like how NO ONE has asked her an opinion on where she stands with issues.

Anonymous said...

Why should they? No one has asked the public on where they stand with her!

Anonymous said...

I think her greatest asset to Bloomberg and Silver is her alledged ability to raise money (or dare we say, her ability to make campaign contributions from her 100 million?)

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone would have a problem with having a second party in this city.
The problem is the second party (Republican) is (in New York at least) the more corrupt out of the two parties (i.e. Joe Bruno - nuff said) and their views on social issues are unabashadly bigoted, unintelligent and on a social issue scale unacceptable.
When we have Republicans that are actually willing to fight for laborers in this city, that dont take bribes and dont look to their political base as being the rascistsand bigots of this city well then maybe we can have a second party.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, because the tweeding Democrats don't do any of what you just detailed.

Anonymous said...

Why do the two top parties have to be Dem or Rep?

Anonymous said...

Suggest a new party for NYC.
The Monarchs.
Let's see, you have the queen bee,hillary. Bloomberg the III. And now princess Caroline.

Anonymous said...

Appoint the, um, you know, um, millionaire from Camelot.

New Yorkers deserve her, just as they deserve the Commissar, Paterson, Silver, and who ever will be the majority leader of the senate.

New Yorkers vote for Democrats like automatons. Republicans have rolled over for Democrats for years. They are not really a party.

Democrats keep Republicans around to blame for all the failures of their leftist, Stalinist projects. Republicans aren't even bright enough to know why Democrat policies are such failures (but, then, neither do New York voters - whose numbers keep diminishing).

So, go with the Commissar to appoint one more Kennedy. She will continue to be an obvious moron, but New Yorkers, who hate themselves far more than they hate G W Bush, will again lie to themselves (their hated selves) that she is some kind of political genius.

Don't believe it? Than explain the Bosnian sniper victim Clinton and her treasonous hubby. Explain Eliot Spitter. Explain Silver. Explain Commissar Death and taxes. Explain your love of Gallagher, Como and witless Maltese. Explain Markey - after you are able to even identify her.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer, I doff my cap to you, sir!

Anonymous said...

NYC has always been and is NOW right wing righteous control freaks.Guliani,Moses,and Lindsay.Even bloomie fits the mold.Look outside your box.Crap infrastructure?Rightwing.Divide and conquer attitude. Rightwing.No funding for city like in the 70's?

Name a politician from outside this box? Your lost if you think you've had different parties for the last 70 years.

Taxgoof said:
Democrats keep Republicans around to blame for all the failures of their leftist, Stalinist projects. Republicans aren't even bright enough to know why Democrat policies are such failures (but, then, neither do New York voters - whose numbers keep diminishing).

Tell me about Arnold or Idaho or Florida or South Carolina?Be an equal critical thinker and tell about the failures of the one party system.Did the federal govt and bush make no mistakes the last 8 years?I guess not kids.

Darn tweeders wanna blame mister bush.Damn liberals!GRRRR

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