Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shea-ing goodbye

The Queens Tribune Blog has more photos of the dismantling of Shea Stadium. And one former player is lamenting its loss.


Anonymous said...

Put us of our misery, and implode this ruin. It's a slow death, heartbreaking to watch.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1, my sentiments exactly. Fortunately, as I passed the stadium eariler this morning, it seems like the pace of the demolition is gaining more momentum every day. I give it another couple of weeks before the stadium is completely razed, a month at most. It is the most excruciatingly longest death I have ever witnessed. I second the motion for an implosion, but Mets management seems to revel in getting as much torture out of Shea and its fans, as they can.

Queens Crapper said...

An implosion would place their shiny new ballpark in danger.

Anonymous said...

Implosion is not permitted with NYC limits...

Otherwise it would be the preferred method of demolition.

Anonymous said...

Fans are planning a final goodbye to Shea this coming Saturday at noon.

Anonymous said...

crapper look into the asbestos that is there and how these people just are blowing it all over , also why is a banned nyc waste company " breeze demo" doing the demo? if the are banned they are considered to be bad people. why would the mets or the city themselfs use this company?

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Shea Stadium, I will never forget you.

Anonymous said...

"crapper look into the asbestos that is there and how these people just are blowing it all over , also why is a banned nyc waste company " breeze demo" doing the demo? if the are banned they are considered to be bad people. why would the mets or the city themselfs use this company?"

Blogs are a waste of time to debate on to begin with. It's a bit up there with talking to yourself...something it appears many people here are familiar with. However it'd be helpful to give some sort of backup when you make claims like the above. Take that energy that's coming out as misguided grump and do your own research.

Queens Crapper said...

Here's your proof:

Licensed Carters

Queens Crapper said...


Anonymous said...

That's cool but what is up with that charge of asbestos? Why hasn't that made it anywhere? Isn't exposing at least 10,000 people at least 81 days a year to asbestos a big deal? It's a big charge to be laying out there with no documentation.

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