Monday, January 26, 2009

Gillibrand vs. the illegals

From the Daily News:

"In Congress, Congresswoman Gillibrand has been a firm opponent of any proposal that would give amnesty to illegal aliens. The federal government must provide the necessary resources to secure our borders, which is critical for America’s economic and national security.

She strongly supports legislation that would significantly increase the number of border patrol agents and place sophisticated technology along the Southern border to catch human and drug smugglers.

Congresswoman Gillibrand authored and passed an amendment that will prevent employers who have hired illegal aliens from receiving federal contracts.

In addition, Congresswoman Gillibrand believes English should be made the official language of the United States and she opposes providing non-emergency taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. As a Member of the Agriculture Committee, she has advocated for a review of the current H-2A visa system, so that farmers will have access to legal workers when they cannot find Americans to fill their labor needs."

Governor Paterson, THANK YOU.


Anonymous said...

The people she's referring to ARE NOT IMMIGRINTS what dont the DAILY NEWS and people still dont understand !!!

You would think with all those "highly educated" Berkley liberal bendovers for the Bloomberg mob would be more then familiar with the legal path to US citizenship.

The average 3rd grader knows is a difference between IMMIGRATING VS hop a fence like a burglar “bettering his life” by ransacking your house !

Anonymous said...

You need a new dictionary, -Joe. And maybe not get so hung up on the semantics of migration.

There are no values - good or bad - attached to the word immigrant. It simply means people moving into a country.

Anonymous said...

There are no values - good or bad - attached to the word immigrant. It simply means people moving into a country.

So why don't you open up your living room to a family of 8 "immigrants" from Bangladesh, and let them live with you for a while?

No need to get hung up about it. There's no values - good or bad - it's simply 8 Bangladeshis moving into your living room.

Anonymous said...

Joe, sounds like you might be an immigrant, considering that you don't know the meaning of the word!! Immigrant means in-migrant. It does not refer to legal status.

And Wade, the average size of an immigrant family is barely larger than a native-born family. Seems like instead of filling up our homes, you need to fill in your empty head!!

Anonymous said...

And Wade, the average size of an immigrant family is barely larger than a native-born family. Seems like instead of filling up our homes, you need to fill in your empty head!!

OK, I stand corrected. Better for you then, you'll only have to provide room for 4 Bangladeshis in your living room instead of 8.

Anonymous said...

Gillibrand - come down here to Elmhurst - these are not your typical migrant farm hands your used to up North. Bring them guns to go hunting; it's like shooting fish in a barrel !

Queens Crapper said...

"There are no values - good or bad - attached to the word immigrant. It simply means people moving into a country."

Gillibrand is against illegal aliens, not legal immigrants. This is what needs to be understood. The El Diario cover should have said anti-illegales. I'm sure a good portion of its readership doesn't have a problem with her stance as they went through proper channels to come here.

Anonymous said...

She sounds like the best move Patterson has made.

Anonymous said...

Joe-, unless you are a Delaware-Montauk you should probably rethink your opinions on immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Just what is it about
the term "ILLEGAL" that many of you
numb nuts out there don't seem
to understand?

For example:

#1. ILLEGAL gun ownership.

#2. ILLEGAL drugs.

#3. ILLEGAL aliens!

which is subject to the
appropriate PENALTY!


Anonymous said...

My parents immigrated to this country legally, fully intergrated into the US, learned English and became citizens. What is the problem with wanting immigrants to do the same thing? Why does everyone have a problem with stopping illegal immigration? It is against the law. Why should an illegal immigrant have the same rights as my parents and myself?

Anonymous said...

Better yet, why are we supposed to feel compelled to pay billions of dollars to support people from other countries when we can't take care of our own? (See MIH and SJQH closings.)

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that Democrats complain about "litmus tests" (e.g., how a Supreme Court nominee feels about Roe v Wade) when Republicans object to someone, but it's perfectly OK for Democrats to impose their own litmus test on Democrats. Thus, Gillibrand being a hunter and wanting to protect hunters' gun rights makes her "an NRA poster child" in the words of Carolyn McCarthy. I think Gillibrand is a breath of fresh air, and we have a year to evalute her before the special election. She should be judged on what she does as the [interim] Senator, not on the nonsense coming from the whackos.

Anonymous said...

Joe-, unless you are a Delaware-Montauk you should probably rethink your opinions on immigrants.

I do.
I originally thaught 1/2 were refugee garbage or troublemakers. They dont want to be Americans, live civilized or learn English.
Now in convinced that number is over 3/4.
And thats for the legal ones.

United States Bordillo !

Anonymous said...

Ms Gillibrand went to law school, took the bar and was sworn in to uphold and enforce the law. ILLEGAL ALIENS are in this country ILLEGALLY. Translation - they are not here lawfully. We do live in America, and while legal immigrants are free to speak their native tongue at home, American Business is conducted in English. If you want to come to this country to live, what is so hard about learning the language and following the laws? You wouldn't find this coddling if you went to a foreign country. I think Patterson make a good choice. Let Ms. Gillibrand prove herself. She has a limited amount of time. If she does the right thing, she will be elected by the people come election time. Wish her the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

So why don't you open up your living room to a family of 8 "immigrants" from Bangladesh, and let them live with you for a while?
No need to get hung up about it. There's no values - good or bad - it's simply 8 Bangladeshis moving into your living room.

Whoah, slow down there Wade. Your poor reading comprehension is blinding us.

Without opening up a new can of worms, or Bangladeshis, I was merely reminding -Joe that "immigrant" is absolutely a correct term to use for anyone who moves here from another country. What he objects to is most likely the illegals.

Anonymous said...

-Joe: I originally thaught [sic] 1/2 were refugee garbage or troublemakers. They dont want to be Americans, live civilized or learn English.

And being an American-born citizen exempts you from learning English? I'd bet 1/2 of refugees could top you in a spelling bee.

Anonymous said...

in 2010 we will have a new governor and a new junior senator

both will likely be Repubicans

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Too many anonymous posters. Get an identity, I mean really.

Anonymous said...

Too many anonymous posters.

Yea and all they do is bitch about spelling when out of bullets or have noting to add.
I think many are local polititions butt lickers who dont like whats said here.

Im on a PDA most the time take it up with Microsoft.


Anonymous said...

"in 2010 we will have a new governor and a new junior senator

both will likely be Repubican"

Uh, I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Wade, DON'T stand corrected, you and Joe are right on the money.

Your responding poster is trying to split hairs with the definition of an immigrant, and the size of an average immigrant family. The fact is there is a widely recognized difference in the classification between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.
That classification between illegal and legal was not established here by us unenlightened and ignorant Queens Archie Bunkers, but by our political leaders, the media and immigrant advocacy groups.
As far as the average size of an immigrant family, the only families we are concerned with are the ones that are here illegally. And the average size of an illegal immigrant family is no concern to us. The overall size of the illegal population is our primary concern, and no one here will tell me that it is a number that I don't need to worry about!

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a Republican to me; Governor Paterson could have done better. Having a 100% rating from the NRA is extremely trouble ling to me. We have no choice now but to wait and see.Let's hope for the best or we could be dealing with the Peter King !!!!God forbid

Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with the NRA ?

This country would still be flying the British flag without guns.
Thomas Jefferson placed the 2nd amendment into the Constitution for a reason and that should not be forgotten.

The politicians sure didn’t forget that reason---that’s why these modern day “pirates” are the ones screaming to grab all the guns.

Guns dont kill people..people and savages do. Criminals will still have guns

Drunken Illegels kill more people on our roads then guns and Iraq warzone combined. (taboo to print in any mainstream newspaper)

Do we ban cars, Illegels ?

Is it better to push people out windows ?
Then ban windows ?

They took the LEGEL guns in Austrailia recently and crime comitted WITH ILLEGEL GUNS quadrupled

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl complains all the time about guns..

Id like to take her to short class then to the range.
Yeah she can wear her fancy heels and stuff. I may even buy dinner.

Most chicks (after a couple funny screams) do a total 360 and turn out loving the shooting & training.

My neices up in Vermont are 7 and 12, they can shoot like marksman. They even been on Ted Nugents camps for kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, I have absolutely no problem learning how to shoot a gun. That is if I was training to be a police officer. If I had a gun on me and was attacked, somehow I think the gun would end up being used on me. But you'll say well, the attacker would most likely have a gun. True. But what good would my gun do if it's in my bag and the guy's got his out already? An overcrowded society like ours loaded with diversity all carrying around guns is a recipe for disaster. The only people carrying firearms should be law enforcement. Period. But you'll tell me the scumbags will have them too. No. Not if the government goes after the gun dealers in a real way, which they haven't done so far. They've got to come up with some solid way to get illegal guns off the streets. Anyway that's my two cents.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think our new junior senator will have a conversion to being a good obedient liberal Democrat (more than she really is already - one who toes the line on all issues)? I hope not, but I'd be surprised if she doesn't.

Anonymous said...


This could not be more clear! America is a welcoming home to all people from all places of all faiths etc as long as they enter the US through legal means as legal alien residents or become a citizen. If you are a tunneler or fence climber you are not welcomed, period - go home now - you are stealing jobs, classroom space, medicaid our sons and daughters and our quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl
The scumbags dont buy guns from gun dealor's.
They buy them on the street stolen or smuggled blackmarket in crap.

In this commie pinko state law abiding people need a CCW permit and thats not easy to get.

You dont have to carry a bulky cannon in a holster like you see in the movies.
You can use a wasteband or ankle setup. They make all sorts of stuff for women including 6 oz mini revolver's.
They are safe and easy to use.

Again training is a must, no different then the cops

georgetheatheist said...

"...unless you are a Delaware-Montauk, you should probably rethink your opinions on immigrants."

OK. Ice-Age EUROPEANS were the first to arrive in the "new whirrled" before later so-called "redskins". They brought to our shores the Solutrean culture from Europe.

georgetheatheist said...

And lest I forget:

Anonymous said...

Drunken Illegels kill more people on our roads then guns and Iraq warzone combined. (taboo to print in any mainstream newspaper)

Again, don't dis the illegels' [sic] language ability when you yourself can't even figure out how to spell.
Moving right along...

I realize you've painted us into a corner with your clever "taboo to print" nonsense, but can you find ANYTHING to back up that absurd statement?

Queens Crapper said...

Joe actually has no problem spelling from his regular computer. It's when he uses his PDA that there are issues. He has explained this many times.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Georgie, make sure you don't forget that. After all my day is incomplete unless I am reminded of that dreadful organization.

Anonymous said...

Joe actually has no problem spelling from his regular computer. It's when he uses his PDA that there are issues. He has explained this many times.

Meaning he needs spell-check, I take it.

Anonymous said...


i can't even imagine what that guy looks like

Anonymous said...

F- Hell Anonymous. I already know what YOU look like !

Anonymous said...

Joe, are you Sheikh Yerbouti?

Anonymous said...

Thats Frank Zappa, like he said
"drive em friggan nuts".

Im told I look like John Bonjovi.


Anonymous said...

A little note:

Maybe cops should have to turn in their sidearms at the end of a workday too.

Most are notorious
for their poor marksmanship.

And how many of these pistols wind up killing their girlfriends after which they themselves "eat the gun"?

With (is it?) a 15 round clip fed 9mm Glock semi automatic, all you have to do is "spray and pray" you hit some thing (or someone at least 8 times).

An ex cop once told me that officers are only required to qualify at the pistol range just THREE times a year!

She used to carry
an old Smith & Wesson six shooter and could put a hole in a playing card at about 100 feet.

Too many bullets flying in the air...FROM PERP OR POLICE...
adds up to a recipe for disaster
in a densely populated urban area.


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