Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Willets Point Headscratcher series, part 2

(Click for larger version)

This is the city's answer to Willets Point pedestrian access to/from Flushing. Looks realistic, no? I'm sure folks will be lining up to cross under the highway and then over two bridges to land in or come from industrial Flushing. What's with the outline of the block and lot on the other side of the Creek? Is Bloomberg planning to steal that, too?


Anonymous said...

Regarding the property on the east side of the Flushing river, that is shown on the map that illustrates this QueensCrap article:

According to information available via the Department of Buildings web site, the block and lot numbers identified by the map correspond to the address 37-02 College Point Boulevard, which has been owned since at least 2001 by none other than TDC Development and Construction -- a "finalist" in the most recent RFP round concerning Willets Point.

Can TDC's ownership of property that apparently is to be used as a primary gateway into "New York City's next great neighborhood" really be reconciled with the statements of Robert Leiber and EDC that "we have not yet selected a developer for the project"?

This plan shown by this map and the ownership of the crucial property by TDC is the best evidence yet that EDC has already identified TDC as a developer of the project, but has deliberately concealed any public announcement of this during the approvals process, thereby deceiving all ULURP decision makers (CB7, the Queens Borough President, the City Planning Commission, and the City Council, as well as the public), and eliminating debate concerning developer selection prior to the Council's approval.

Anonymous said...

tdc pays of the city big time and the edc ,the Queens Borough President,City Council this will come out in law suits soon .he has big ties with big money . go back to china

Queens Crapper said...

Well, I think commenter #1 has stumbled onto something. I don't think there would be renderings of a bridge to their property done unless they had a lock on the bid award.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing a story on the TDC for the Trib. They're aiming for a postmodern-style pedestrian bridge, leading to the proposed Flushing World Trade Center. Very ambitious stuff.

Anonymous said...

That's the Home Depot building?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something the Trib would run.

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