Sunday, December 7, 2008

Will shaming strip club patrons eradicate billboard?

City Councilman James Sanders... says that if Platinum won't tear down that sign, he'll send photographers to the club to "take pictures of the great clientele and post them on the web and wherever we can advertise them."

From Fox 5 via Gothamist.


Anonymous said...

How about putting Sanders into the gallery of fools, for overturning term limits?

Anonymous said...

I agree, for the community's sake, the sign should be taken down. But I dont think the ends justify the means.

Anonymous said...

"..take pictures of the great clientele and post them on the web and wherever we can advertise them."

YES! That's an excellent idea. I love it. They should do that with all the strip clubs.

Anonymous said...

"..take pictures of the great clientele and post them on the web and wherever we can advertise them."

YES! That's an excellent idea. I love it. They should do that with all the strip clubs.

Yes! Let's stalk people who are doing things that are perfectly legal and we just don't like it.

Anonymous said...

"Yes! Let's stalk people who are doing things that are perfectly legal and we just don't like it."

Yes, perfectly legal places that encourage perfectly illegal practices like prostitution, drugs etc. Spare me.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Let's stalk people who are doing things that are perfectly legal and we just don't like it.

Excellent ideas as it is perfectly legal to take random photos and post them on an internet site - what the big deal - it's not stalking! Better yet why not take pictures of the female employees - who enter the establishment? The clientel would have a chance to see how dowdy and human they look going to work prior to their transformative preparations to do their work!

Anonymous said...

"Yes! Let's stalk people who are doing things that are perfectly legal and we just don't like it."


That's how any society shows its abhorrence of legal activities that are really no good.

No society can enact a law for everything that's wrong, so, the people who frown on a display of some activity IN PUBLIC, can shame the people who act wrongly.

Don't like it? Don't go public with shameful activities.

Anonymous said...

That's how any society shows its abhorrence of legal activities that are really no good.

No society can enact a law for everything that's wrong, so, the people who frown on a display of some activity IN PUBLIC, can shame the people who act wrongly.

Don't like it? Don't go public with shameful activities.

No - that's how intolerant puritanical people handle things. What's next? You don't like the church I go to or the newspapers I read? What's the difference between a going to a strip club or the seeing the musical "Hair?"

You don't like that monstrosity of a bill board, fine, see what you can do about it. But don't harass people least you be next.

Trilby said...

Strip clubs? Yuck. As Tina Fey said, we should all be a little better than that.

Men who patronize strip clubs demean all women, and women who work in them are traitors to all other women.

Legal doesn't make it right, or good for humanity.

georgetheatheist said...

How about taking pictures of contractors picking up illegal aliens hanging around in front of paint stores?

Anonymous said...

Which one of you moral vigilantes is going to volunteer to stand out there and take the pictures?

Ever wonder why "activists" always throw stuff at women in fur jackets and never throw stuff at bikers in leather ones?

If a clergyman or a Republican had suggested this I wonder how comments would run.

Anonymous said...

Why would we have to volunteer when Sanders is hiring someone?

Anonymous said...

Yes, perfectly legal places that encourage perfectly illegal practices like prostitution, drugs etc. Spare me.

Right on! While we're at it, let's take sniper photos of faculty and staff at all colleges in the city, because these legal - and often publicly funded! - facilities encourage sodomy and underage drinking!

Anonymous said...

"because these legal - and often publicly funded! - facilities encourage sodomy and underage drinking!"

Oooo, how scandalous. Do tell.

Anonymous said...

Legal doesn't make it right, or good for humanity.

And two wrongs don't make a right, either. If boozed up losers want to spend their hard-earned $$$ on silly fat chicks with bad boob jobs that's fine. i don't want to take pictures of either one of them. Leave me a lone and I'll leave you alone.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they advertise in Congressman Ackerman's Tribune.

Ridgewoodian said...

Let's take pictures of women going into Planned Parenthood and post them somewhere. Or maybe doctors suspected of performing abortions. Sure, family planning is legal but, as Trilby, who, by the way, has named herself (?) after a famously naked fictional character, has so helpfully pointed out: Legal doesn't make it right, or good for humanity.

Anonymous said...

"How about taking pictures of contractors picking up illegal aliens hanging around in front of paint stores?"

Another great idea. Include the plates and the driver.

By the way, intolerance is a great thing. There are those who have no tolerance for: war, harming children, harming the elderly, stealing, lying, killing, etc., etc., etc.

So, what's wrong with intolerance?

It's usually the targets of intolerance who have no tolerance for intolerance.

So, the question becomes: what is the activity that is not tolerated? Is the intolerance unjustified? Who decides whether the intolerance is justified or not? How do the judges of the justification of the intolerance impose their will?

Not easy, is it?

Anonymous said...

Forget Planned Parenthood, tolerance vs. intolerance etc. Who wants a strip club near their home?

What's wrong with you people?

Whoever is here defending these type of places clearly is a regular patron. Get a life. And save your money because times will be getting a lot rougher.

Anonymous said...

italian girl said...
Forget Planned Parenthood, tolerance vs. intolerance etc. Who wants a strip club near their home?

What's wrong with you people?

Whoever is here defending these type of places clearly is a regular patron. Get a life. And save your money because times will be getting a lot rougher.

= = = = =

Now we know you are intolerant, Italian Girl. Where do you draw the line?

You can't be just a little intolerant. It's like pregnancy. All or nothing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true. I do not tolerate strip clubs. Sue me. These places have no place in a civilized society. Period.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, it's true. I do not tolerate strip clubs. Sue me. These places have no place in a civilized society. Period."

Abortion and the death penalty have no place in a civilized society. But a stip club? You're confusing "civilized" with "polite."

Anonymous said...

italian girl said...
Yes, it's true. I do not tolerate strip clubs. Sue me. These places have no place in a civilized society. Period.

= = = = =

Don't get me wrong. Intolerance is great! Super!

Just remember that you are just as intolerant as the abortion protesters who demonstrate near abortion clinics, trying to persuade women to keep their little baby.

So, you have to tolerate, even admire, their intolerance. Any success these people have is entirely unconnected to you.

Anonymous said...

I think its great. Sanders is always out there fighting for his people!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Just remember that you are just as intolerant as the abortion protesters who demonstrate near abortion clinics, trying to persuade women to keep their little baby."

Oh boy, taxpayer. Abortion? Let's not go there, please.

"So, you have to tolerate, even admire, their intolerance. Any success these people have is entirely unconnected to you."

Sorry, but I don't get what you're trying to say.
But I do have one question. Are you male or female?

Anonymous said...

Oooo, how scandalous. Do tell.

Sarcasm, numbnut.
Some persons here seem willing to blame the illegal on the legal. Intolerance is not tolerant of those unwilling to tolerate intolerance. Up is down. My brain hurts.

Fact is, porn and strip clubs have a place in society... like it or not. Only 1% of males "don't masturbate," and those who do use smut as an aid. I speak for all of us. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Some persons here seem willing to blame the illegal on the legal. Intolerance is not tolerant of those unwilling to tolerate intolerance. Up is down. My brain hurts."


"Fact is, porn and strip clubs have a place in society... like it or not. Only 1% of males "don't masturbate," and those who do use smut as an aid. I speak for all of us. Thank you."

Porn and strip clubs have a place in an underground society thank you very much. If it was so normal, why won't guys discuss openly at a Thanksgiving dinner, perhaps? Because it's frowned upon, that's why. Spare me the bull and get a real woman and have a relationship instead of spending your money on some skank in a strip club.

Anonymous said...

I'm not one to go to strip clubs because when up against it, women can do something far more worthwhile for a internet porn.

However, coming from a normal NYC, functional (ie dysfunctional) Italian family, my brother and cousins have no problem discussing their latest conquests and/or strip club trips at the dinner table.

What's a family dinner without the guffaw and shake your head moments?

Anonymous said...

Oh Italian Anonymous say it ain't so.

Anonymous said...

If it was so normal, why won't guys discuss openly at a Thanksgiving dinner, perhaps? Because it's frowned upon, that's why.

So on your happy planet the 99% of men who admit to masturbating are pure of heart and only fantasize about the women they've been with for years and years and years and...

Look, taking a crap isn't discussed at the Thanksgiving dinner table, either. You gonna tell me you don't crap like the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

If you treated your wife or girlfriend right, you wouldn't be obsessed with masturbating. Time to make a visit to your local florist.

Anonymous said...

"So on your happy planet the 99% of men who admit to masturbating are pure of heart and only fantasize about the women they've been with for years and years and years and...

Look, taking a crap isn't discussed at the Thanksgiving dinner table, either. You gonna tell me you don't crap like the rest of us?"

I have no idea what guys think about when they do that. All I'm saying is why sneak around going to strip clubs and buying porn when you're in a relationship? If your woman is into it then, great. But if she isn't and you still do it, then is it worth ruining your relationship? If my guy is going to a strip club behind my back, to me it's nothing more than an insult. You know what I'm saying? I've got no problem with single guys(especially young guys) going to those places, but married guys? No way.

Like I said before spend your money on a woman who actually cares about you, not some skank.

As far as discussions at the dinner table, my family doesn't talk about sexual stuff. Thank God. It would make me very uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Peace, Italian Girl.

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