Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vallone vs. loud motorcycles

Citing "excessively loud" motorcycle-induced noise and the disruptive and hazardous conditions they create, City Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr. placed himself squarely behind a council bill he described as "the toughest in the country to curb motorcycle noise" that would permit confiscation of a bike under certain conditions.

The bill, introduced by Councilmember Alan Gerson (D-Manhattan) and sponsored by Vallone, will impose stiff penalties on riders who attach "incredibly loud" exhaust systems to their bikes, known as "straight pipes", and permit confiscation under some conditions.

According to Vallone, the bill would make it illegal to park a motorcycle in New York City if it uses exhaust pipes without federally mandated sound dampening equipment. Currently, he said, EPA standards require motorcycle noises to remain under 80 decibels. Vehicles without the mandated sound dampening mufflers can reach up to 120 decibels.

Bill Would 'Take The Squeal Out Of Hogs,' Vallone Says


Anonymous said...

He wants to confiscate motorcycles with this 'law'.

I'm not a fan of extra loud motorcycles but is he going to go after 18 wheelers? Those modified Honda Civics that sound just as loud? How about MTA subways that are louder? Or trash trucks?

Let's call this what it is: Selective enforcement and another way to tax another group of people.

Anonymous said...

These loud motorcycles are owned by men with small peckers that need to call attention to themselves. They are self-absorbed aholes without respect of others. Brings the quality of life down in this metropolis.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
These loud motorcycles are owned by men with small peckers that need to call attention to themselves. They are self-absorbed aholes without respect of others. Brings the quality of life down in this metropolis.

ok biggie you dont have ball's to ride a bike you fagit ,and brings down the quality of life you dick just these bikes dont you and hiram and jerk off vallone have any thing better to do .
tell me what happed hear vallone got beet up by a biker that fagit pecker head like you

Anonymous said...

this vallone is a joke vote him out

Anonymous said...

Good, someone is finally going after these guys. I always wondered why motorcyclists were allowed to get away their loud exhausts meanwhile cars with exhausts that are much quieter get stopped (not the Honda ricers with coffee can exhausts).

Anonymous said...

Sure these guys are annoying, but most of them are from Latin America.

Like the hooka guys, these group are VOTES so Vallone will get the headline, but then back off.

Why did he do it? Gloria DAmico lives near Astoria Park and, being a cranky old dame, probibally called to bitch to daddy.

Anonymous said...

ok biggie you dont have ball's to ride a bike you fagit ,and brings down the quality of life you dick just these bikes dont you and hiram and jerk off vallone have any thing better to do .
tell me what happed hear vallone got beet up by a biker that fagit pecker head like you

Try re-typing that once the scotchguard wears off.

Anonymous said...

Just another piece of useless legislation from Vallone.

Anonymous said...

Good going Vallone, get these scofflaws off the road! Thanks for standing up for the general public with this common sense initiative, don't back down!

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