Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two-Ton Tony indicted


Veteran Assemblyman Anthony Seminerio was indicted for fraud yesterday after plea negotiations in his corruption case apparently broke down.

The Manhattan federal court indictment boosted to $1 million the amount of cash the Queens Democrat is charged with collecting through an eight-year, influence-peddling scheme.

In early September, federal authorities charged that Seminerio pocketed money in exchange for access to Albany lawmakers.

Payments allegedly went to a bogus consulting outfit linked to the Assemblyman.

Defense lawyer Ira Cooper, who was reportedly trying to cut a deal for 73-year-old pol, didn't return a call for comment.


Anonymous said...

Great picture! I almost feel bad for the greedy but yet cute and cuddly bastard

Anonymous said...

Throw that political mafioso
into the clink!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Two-Ton Tony will give up grandmother-rapist Dennis P. Gallagher and we can all rest better when this perv is off the streets.

They got OJ, they'll get Gallagher too!

Anonymous said...

Now will Sheldon Silver try to remove him from office, or must they wait for the legal case to play out?

Anonymous said...

He'll never see the inside of a cell.

Anonymous said...

He'll never see the inside of a cell."

wanna bet?

georgetheatheist said...

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Who came first Anthony Semenerio or Rod Blagojevich?

("Just leave the dough in the brown paper bag behind the flush handle in stall #2 in the men's room.")

Anonymous said...

"Maybe Two-Ton Tony will give up grandmother-rapist Dennis P. Gallagher and we can all rest better when this perv is off the streets. They got OJ, they'll get Gallagher too!"

Probably not - since Dennis was likely set up on b-s charges he'll never do time for the really bad stuff he's done. That's the way it works when your life is just one big lie.

As for OJ, karma's a bitch.

georgetheatheist said...

Actually, who came first was Tammany Haller NYS Senator George Washington Plunkitt (1842-1924). He made most of his money through land purchases which he knew in advance would be used for public projects.

Plunkitt was known for distinguishing between "honest graft" and "dishonest graft" - honest graft would be when he'd sell his land parcels at inflated prices. Dishonest graft, he maintained, was first buying the land and then using influence to build on it.

Can Semenerio enter a legal defense of "honest graft"? Does Our Antonio get the George Washington Plunkitt Award?

[From Wikipedia] Plunkit btw regarded the fragmented and independent form of machine governance to be the most perfect form of urban administration possible. Civil service could actually be ruinous to one's health.

(Can anyone help me here? I'm trying to find out where Plunkitt is buried. Find-a-grave is of no help. Anyone?)

Anonymous said...

They are all the same: Liars, cheats, phoneys, and crooks!!! Get rid of them all--- NOW!!!!
Enough already!

Anonymous said...

For Georgetheatheist:
Plunkitt is in Calvary Cemetery

Plunkitt, George Washington (1842-1924) — also known as George W. Plunkitt — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 17, 1842. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 17th District, 1869-70; member of New York state senate, 1884-87, 1892-93, 1899-1904 (11th District 1884-87, 1892-93, 17th District 1899-1904). Irish ancestry. Died November 19, 1924. Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Long Island City, Queens, N.Y.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to start carrying around a lantern, looking for the last honest man.

georgetheatheist said...

I wonder if he's buried near Tom Manton?

Anonymous said...

So now Queens is known for its cementaries -
St. Johns for mobsters
and Calvary for crooked politicians?
Lovely, but apparently there isnt enough room in Calvary to hold them all.

Anonymous said...

But would we have a LIFE without

Anonymous said...

"So now Queens is known for its cemetaries"

Queens Has ALWAYS Been known for it's Cemeteries

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