Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today is QC's 2nd anniversary

Queens Crap has been in daily production for exactly 2 years today. We haven't missed one day of posting over the past 731 days because there's been a constant stream of ridiculous crap going on in our borough and city during that time. We hope you find the site informative and the commentary insightful or at least entertaining. And now, back to crapping.


Anonymous said...

Happy crap B day there Q.C.Im sure on this site we all come from different backgrounds a bit but we know corruption when we see it and dont look the other way.Too bad you have not been around for longer.There are hints of authoritarian leadership from all parties except from very few politicians and lots of sellouts to their communities.
And bloomberg I hope you feel as hollow as your soul because anyone who has a clue about politics is going to look back and see that you did anything worth the spit on the ground.Hopefully your property is garnished for the projects that didnt need to be built with others money that you forced on neighborhoods you no nothing of.

Kevin Walsh said...

Congrats Crapper -- I recently started a putative daily blog


and it's hard to get the energy to do a daily post so it's sort of turned into a 2 or 3 times a week thing. I admire the energy it takes to do all that material daily.


Anonymous said...

I was born in Astoria and grew up in East Elmhurst and Jackson Heights. I left Queens in 1972 when I married. Although I am no longer there physically, I still love and care about the places I grew up in. Happy Birthday Crappy, and keep up the good work. Queens needs someone who cares about their homes and heritage....

faster340 said...

Happy birthday crappy...

Enjoy and keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Crappy. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I love reading this, even though it makes me sad that I live in the land of crap.

Anonymous said...

Many Happy Returns!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Crappy! We appreciate the time and effort you take to do this. :)

Anonymous said...

happy b day craper keep craping love the site

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAPPY! The crapper is my guilty pleasure. It keeps me informed about happenings in our communities that are not printed in the newspapers. Knowledge is power, and thanks to the Crapper, the average Joe has that knowledge. I love keeping score of all the corrupt politicians. It will help me make my selections in upcoming elections. This blog lets us know who is for us and who is against us for their own political agendas. Happy Birthday and hope you have many more!

Anonymous said...

Every kisses ass.

You kick ass.

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Crappy! You (and those who contribute) do an important service.

Barry Popik said...

Happy happy, Crappy!

Anonymous said...

Hats off to you, Sir. The fourth estate is the only thing that keeps us free by keeping these pols in check--and for that I salute you! The Pulitzer people just added online journalists to eligibility. I nominate you. Sincerely.

Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with what you say, but I would defend your right to say it - to the death!

georgetheatheist said...

Crapper, you are one helluva pisser!

Anonymous said...

hi my name is carlos gonzalez and i want to say this site sucks----haha what else do you expect from the people whos butt you kick? happy b-day crapper many more we need you

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov, and many more. Eppie S.

Anonymous said...

I haite the day you wher borne crappie

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day "Crappie"!

You are the real peoples' voice
around here... not like those shit house weekly political rags posing as newspapers!

Exposing that pervert Gallagher
was my favorite highlight.

Keep up the great tough job that you're doing to flush out corruption in the clubhouse run
borough of Queens.

Thanks to you...
Joe Crowley and the rest of his bastards aren't getting a good night's sleep!


Anonymous said...

Crappy birthday happy!

Seriously, your doing a great job and I love this site. Keep the bad boys looking over their shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!

I apologize for missing this post until now.

Happy Birthday. Time flies. Not the same flies that came from Gallagher. They were nasty.

Every day delivers a fresh delight from the Crapper.

Keep flushing. Someday all the crud will be down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow!!Happy Birthday!!Queens Crap!!Hope you have many,many more to come!!where would we get all the great stuff you put out there??that otherwise we would know nothing about??KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!

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