Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Times Ledger moving some staff to Ratnerville

The MetroTech building that is currently home to JP Morgan/Chase, the National Grid and NY Life Insurance, will soon be home to the Community Newspaper Group, reportedly New York City’s largest group of neighborhood newspapers with 30 publications.

Forest City Ratner Companies (FCRC) announced Monday that the company, better known by its initials, CNG, has signed a lease for 18,000 square feet on the 10th floor at One MetroTech Center in Downtown Brooklyn.

Previously scattered in offices in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, CNG will move all of its 125 employees to the new headquarters.

The CNG — which includes the Bronx Times Reporter; TimesLedger Newspapers in Queens, publisher of 14 weeklies; and Courier-Life Publications, the city’s largest chain of weeklies — is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s company, News Corp., which also owns the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal.

CNG also produces a news-based web site, www.yournabe.com, that covers 152 neighborhoods in the three boroughs.

Community Newspaper Group Moves to MetroTech

According to inside sources, the editorial staff is not moving, just the classified section.


georgetheatheist said...

Tell me something. Why do we pay 50 cents to read the same crap stories in the Times Ledger papers as we read in the other community freebies? Fifty cents to look at the lame photos that "Douching with Dee" Richards takes. Fifty cents for reading the same Letter to the Editor that Frederick Bedell sends out. Fifty cents for classified whore ads when you can get them for free in the Tribune. Fifty Cents for What?

Anonymous said...

The Murdoch media mogul who owns papers in China and complies with there censorship without even a fight.He also owms media in Italy but is in a control fight with Berlusconi the politician\free press filter at the moment because Berlusconi wants just about all the papers.Bloomie you can catch up to them up if you try harder.

Anonymous said...

George the atheist, have you ever read the other papers in Queens? Half of them, especially the Courier, are tacky wastes of trees. At the Times Ledger, the articles read well and you can tell that each of the writers put a lot of effort into their work. It's a shame that Murdoch is screwing around with them.

georgetheatheist said...

I actually look forward to Victoria's Secrets in the Courier. (Hey Vicki, dump Stu and take me with you on the next trip. We can go to Shangrila.)

georgetheatheist said...

Now I don't mind spending forty cents for Maureen Walthers' TimesNewsweekly. Now that's my cup of tea - an original weekly dose of murder and mayhem. Reminds me of the old 1950's National Enquirer under Gene Pope, Jr.

Anonymous said...

Some free press ehhh?
Now they can pool, edit, censor, put reporters in thumbscrews for not portraying Illegal’s as "poor innocent saints with 20 kids to feed" all under one roof.

Murdoch isn’t even an American yet this P.O.S controls a good 1/3 of video and print media in this country, Mexico, Australia, England, Canada and China.

I’m canning my subscription of the Ridgewood papers come Monday.
I kind of thaught that paper was getting tweedy as well as shabby pooled reporting
Thanks for the info crappy, this one slipped by

Anonymous said...

Horrible news places Ridgewood will no longer have a voice, its reporters banned from reporting certain facts or wearing American lapel flaggs (those are banned to Cablevision workers)

This is a huge step in brainwashing and globalizing.
The move by CNG (Murdoch) places papers like El Diario La Prensa (largest Spanish newspaper's) and UniWorld (Largest multicultral) your Wall St papers and just about everything else under the same roof and power.

The ZOG are really lining up the dominos !!

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