Monday, December 15, 2008

Shit Tits over capacity

The city has inked a deal with a New Jersey sewage district to handle New York's growing piles of sludge.

Part of the city's $76.7 million sludge budget for the year - a 6% boost over the year before - the deal means that less waste ends up in the East River.

"It would be constipating New York City" without the extra capacity in Jersey, joked Doug Greeley, the Department of Environmental Protection's deputy commissioner for wastewater treatment.Sludge production at the Newtown Creek sewage treatment plant - the last of the city's 14 plants to upgrade its systems - has shot up 28% in five years.

City inks deal with sewage district in New Jersey to handle sludge

I think in the meantime we should invite a million more people to live here.

Photo from Flickr by Miss Heather.


Anonymous said...

A million more people who can choke own their own, literally down by the Pulaski with the new Battery Park fanatsy land in Hunters Point of no return of fresh air.Happy living condo kids.Now you can see the beauty of methane people had to live with from standard oil.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, your parting shot to this article perfectly sums up why I read this blog faithfully every day. Our infrastructure can't support the millions already in the city, yet the powers that be are hellbent on shoving even more people in. Does this city ever believe in saying, " OK we have enough paople here, let's absorb them before we allow any more in"? Apparently not.

Anonymous said...

Is that what that its ?
I saw it a year ago lit up in blue looking like a European monster movie set.

Poor Pulaski must be spinning in his grave. Greenpoint is also more Boston and Iowa then New York these days.

I almost choked when I went to look for the old italian guy who sold classic NYC Starr Pretzels 10 cents each 3 for a quarter in front of St.Cecilias.

Now you find these "Churros" that look like some cat squeezed them out on a planter box.

...Poor Greenpoint.
I fondly remember the Polish street fair. My band would set up on a big stage and have to tap into extra power from Lofts Candy. Put the Kelsey mixing board atop my old Chevy 20 panel truck.

Now you go down there and dont know where you are on some streets.

Anonymous said...

Im not fond of the condos in Greenpoint but in the 80's and early 90's it havd a really bad gang problem.NYC developers, property owners, wall street, and bankers are just doing what they always do and thats trying to make a buck on every corner in this city.
Go visit some other cities in the country .The same thing is happening to whole neighborhoods in many cities.Slowly taken down blocks and replaced with these luxury 15 story boxes.

Queens Crapper said...

The problem is not the known quantity, it's the unknown quantity, aka citizens of the "sanctuary city". We have no idea how many there are here and therefore cannot adequately plan infrastructure to accommodate everyone. Another reason it's a really stupid policy.

Anonymous said...

I think you meant Shit TILTS over capacity? Shit hits capacity?

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