Saturday, December 6, 2008

Senator Kennedy from NY?

Sources: Caroline Kennedy Interested in Clinton's Senate Seat
Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic officials say Caroline Kennedy has spoken to New York Gov. David Paterson about the Senate seat that will come open when Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes secretary of state.

Paterson's office says that the governor had been approached by several candidates for the job but that he would not discuss private conversations.

Kennedy is the daughter of President John F. Kennedy and a niece of Edward and Robert Kennedy. Robert Kennedy held the New York seat from 1965 until his assassination in 1968.

Democrats familiar with the conversation with Kennedy spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge it.


Anonymous said...

No experience....not a good choice.

Anonymous said...

Id put in Ted Nugent or Ron Paul !!!
Kennedys are the worst, so rich out of touch living on those Vinyard compounds in the Atlantic ocean

Anonymous said...

Clintons meet Kennedys. Kennedys meet Clintons. New York, meet Clintons and Kennedys bc now you are OWNED.

The only fun we will have for the next half century is the bickering over which family gets to rename the bridges, parks, streets, and tunnels of the state.

Anonymous said...

Lets see she ran for Governor of Maryland in 2002. Now she is a NYer. Keeping the family carpet bagging tradition alive.

If she gets in, she'll be there for 18 or 24 years.

Queens Crapper said...

EW: Wrong Kennedy. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend ran for governor of Maryland. I know it's hard to keep track of them all, but this isn't the same one.

Anonymous said...

Her kids are grown up so she needs to keep busy.

How about starting a garden club?

Anonymous said...

Why not? After we wasted a decade or so with do nothing Clinton (praised by the lapdog press) why not put another unqualified person in.

The people of NY will say nothing, and by extension, deserve nothing.

Kevin Walsh said...

If you are going to disqualify the governor of Alaska for vice president because of inexperience/wrong-mindedness (we all know when Dowd and Rich say so, it's so) let's hope the media give Caroline Kennedy as thorough a grilling that Gibson and Couric gave Palin. (Those interviews, BTW, convinced me she _was_ underqualified).

Personally I'd like someone born in New York State to be in the Senate from New York State. Of course, I realize, of course, this is small-minded, provincial thinking, especially if you're a Democrat. The voters didn't mind Bobby Kennedy and Hillary.

If you need a Kennedy, though, what about Bob Jr?

Queens Crapper said...

Bob will be head of EPA, which leaves this position open.

Kevin Walsh said...

Forgive the redundancy of using the phrase "of course" twice in the same sentence in my post above.

It was like 7AM and I had not yet had my first diet coke.

Anonymous said...

I hear she was NOT really very good in her position as a fundraiser for the schools, despite what the DOE put out. Simply put, she did not work the hours. She was...special status. Different rules applied.

Anonymous said...


Sara Palin was ELECTED by the citizens of Alaska. If Caroline Kennedy can get elected, good for her. (I like her but not as Senator).

If we must have a monarchy where Bush, Kennedy, Dole, Cuomo, Clinton and a few other familes trade positions back and forth then let's just put Sneator Bill Clinton to work for us.

Anonymous said...

come on is this a joke?? if i was carolyn maloney or nydia vasquez or any woman in the ny state congressional caucus i'd be pissed

Anonymous said...

No experience , just like Liz Crowley. Running on a name.......Palin wasn't very smart, but was a looker.
Not that she could be v.p or president, the American people aren't that stupid. Are they?

Kevin Walsh said...

I was incorrect about Carolyn Kennedy: she was, in fact, born in NY (I had thought she was born in Massachusetts).

I'd reiterate, though, I'd prefer somebody with a track record, though that didn't stop Hillary, and most Democrats, at least, think she did fine as Senator.

Anonymous said...

No more Kennedys, please! Enough dynasties, already!

Anonymous said...

Ted Nugent and Ron Paul have nothing in common.NOTHING.Realy do your reading there guy.Ted is more retarded than rush limbaugh.Ron Paul thinks and is rational about policy and every action of government.
The Kennedys were less corrupt to begin with and the clintons are doing fine keeping up with nixon and bush.Bush is tipping his toes on Mussolini's grave.

Kevin Walsh said...

The clear choice is Tony Avella.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No more Kennedys, please! Enough dynasties, already!

I'll agree with that if we have a similar rule against members of the Bush family as well!!!

Anonymous said...

Kevin Walsh said...
I was incorrect about Carolyn Kennedy: she was, in fact, born in NY (I had thought she was born in Massachusetts).

I'd reiterate, though, I'd prefer somebody with a track record, though that didn't stop Hillary, and most Democrats, at least, think she did fine as Senator.

Agreed. BTW--She was also educated here, and has lived most of her life here.

Anonymous said...

"..the American people aren't that stupid. Are they?"

Yes, they are! People vote for the most ridiculous of reasons. Often times against their own economic interests.

And Caroline Kennedy for Senator? Sounds a little ridiculous to me. A lot of real NY politicians, especially women pols, must be real pissed.

Anonymous said...

No way.......and I am a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl, your right. People are stupid

Anonymous said...

"Italian Girl, your right. People are stupid"

Of course I'm right. I always am.

Anonymous said...

I like and respect her as a person and I hoped that she would somehow stay clear of politics.
But then there is that Kennedy mystic.

Ask ev'ry person if he's heard the story,

And tell it strong and clear if he has not,

That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory

Called Camelot.

Anonymous said...

Yes and hasn't Camelot been over for 45 years?

Anonymous said...

My point exactly.

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers were once renown for being the toughest customers on earth.

New Yorkers were suspicious and demanding of their politicians. Generally, this attitude got them good representation.

But, tough and demanding New Yorkers are long gone. Now, we bow and scrape for celebrity, for "popularity", for names we recognize.

Get on TV just passing a scene where a reporter is on the mike, and your chances of being elected to something skyrocket.

Italian girl is sooo right! We are a very stupid people. Proof? Who is the Mayor? The governor? The Assembly and state senate rep? The City Council? New Yorkers will roll over for anyone who is pretty on TV. (How that explains Commissar Death and Taxes, I cannot tell.)

Anonymous said...

Even Spitzer is a God-awful. How did we vote for him?

Anonymous said...

*Even Spitzer is a God-awful. How did we vote for him?
At least he may have held liable some of the crooks on Wall Street.Bloomberg was upset with the budget handed to him by Spitzer.Is any of the money thrown around by bloomie for pet projects or bush for these bank bailouts really gonna do any good.I dont see many people from either side of the fence saying there against it.Especially the Wall st banks or GM.

Anonymous said...

What I meant was Spitzer's as ugly as sin.

Anonymous said...

"Even Spitzer is a God-awful. How did we vote for him?"

What's this "we" shit - Kemo Sabe? I didn't vote for that hypocrite! Talk for yourself.

As for Caroline Kennedy - go to Taxachuttes with all the other Massholes and run for Sen. after your uncle dies from brain cancer. The sense of entitlement is over whemling!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, when I said "we" I meant all the smart people who tend to vote democrat. It's all I'm sayin'.

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