Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saviors search for Baby Christina

Three Elmhurst teenagers who saved the life of a newborn baby girl, who was abandoned in a dumpster last December, say they want to find her and give her presents for her birthday.

Elmhurst Teens Search For Newborn They Saved


Anonymous said...

Its great to see there still concerned about her.

Anonymous said...

While the media seems to focus only on what teens do wrong, it's refreshing to see something in the media that reflects on the positive things many teens do without recognition....

Anonymous said...

Three Boys and a Baby

Anonymous said...

They did a nice act of kindness , now move on.

Bookartist said...

God bless these young men, to still have this little girl in their minds and hearts. How do you forget the day you saved a newborn's life?

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