Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rat tracker not helping problem

City health officials looking to tout their new Web site that helps track rat inspections got an earful of complaints from local Queens officials Tuesday.

While the new rat portal may be helpful, district managers from several community boards said they would rather see the city beef up the number of inspectors and exterminators assigned to the borough.

Only five inspectors and three exterminators are currently assigned to Queens.

City bitten as rat site launched


Anonymous said...

Grampa "Al Lewis" used to beat the rats with brooms, bats and garbage cans.

We would be packing up at "The Rock n Roll cafee" on Bleeker and Al would be going wild in front his Spagetti joint.

Poor Al got priced out of Manhatten as well after running for Mayor.
I know how the rats feel.

Isnt just going after Norwegian rats is discrimination ?

Anonymous said...

Dennis, is that you?

Anonymous said...

Sorry...but that is one very cute looking little rodent.

Now councilman Hiram Monster-rat
is another matter!

Anonymous said...

Ever see them wave at you from the subway tracks?

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