Wednesday, December 10, 2008

NY1 visits Schleicher Mansion

More than half a dozen families in College Point want to to return to the historic apartment building they call home, six months after being evicted for safety reasons.

Evicted College Point Residents Want To Return To Building


Anonymous said...

thank God for this reporter who investigated this tragedy&finally knows the truth about this ''Slumlord who is now ''all of a sudden ''bedridden''silly rabbit tricks are for kids''we will finally have our day in court,this Friday!!Thank you,Mr.C.Kim

Anonymous said...

My God,these poor people are still homeless,due to this slumlord???she should be arrested...or better yet,force her to live like these poor people,so she can get a taste of what it is like to suffer...witch!!

Anonymous said...

the nerve of this ''SlumLord''to ''slander'' these poor people!!I can't wait till they ''Sue'' her,for ALL THE PAIN &SUFFERING THEY WENT THRU FOR ''HOW MANY MONTH'S ALREADY''?? SHE BELONGS IN JAIL!! WHAT A BITCH!! KARMA!!WILL DEFINITELY GET HER!!

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