Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In their own words...

Let's be reminded of just what liars our City Council Members are. This is a video from April, when they vowed to stand by the Willets Point businesses and fight the City's plan to use eminent domain to take property there.

Everyone in this video (Gioia, Comrie, Sanders, Sears, Monserrate, Weprin, Reyna), except for Tony Avella, ended up voting in the City's favor and against the Willets Point businesses when the issue came before them in November. These are absolute pieces of trash that need to be tossed rather than recycled. Whether or not you want to see Willets Point redeveloped or believe eminent domain is justifiable for this purpose, you have to agree that these folks either outright lied or were easily bought. If we can't trust them to keep their word, then what the hell good are they? You have to wonder how they look at themselves in the mirror every morning.


Anonymous said...

great reminder crapper they should all be voted out, hiram should be #1 he sold out his own kind for a senate seat . wonder why when the 3 musketeers made the deal he folded right there? this was a scam from day 1 get tully a deal and were done. shame on you hiram. the only 2 guys with balls are tony avella & charles barron

Anonymous said...

yes vote them out we need people for the people not these assholes that take money from every one and in the end what happens our taxes go up vote them all out and now tony avella for mayor.

Anonymous said...

where's our friend carlos gonzalez on this one ? oh oh lets call biggie and find out

Anonymous said...

Who is Carlos Gonzalez?

Anonymous said...

Eric Gioia is a piece of shit liar.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella is THE ONLY city councilman that deserves to have "Honorable" in front of his name.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who is Carlos Gonzalez?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

this guy carlos gonzalez is on all the blogs hear in new york as a.k.a. biggie smalls .

Anonymous said...

I think Willets point is an eye sore and shithole that needs to be drastically made over.

But that still does not justify eminent domain. I think once you allow it this ED thing get more abusive. Imagine if you gave the City Council that much more power to help their cronies?

ED should be used for rare, win-win situation occurances, like seizing whorehouses and crack houses and using it for public good!

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