Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Green sees red over term limits; may run again

Mark Green, the president of Air America Radio and a onetime Democratic mayoral nominee, said he was considering a race next year for public advocate of New York City — a job he held for eight years.

In an interview on Saturday, Mr. Green, who was public advocate from 1994 to 2001 and who ran unsuccessfully for state attorney general in 2006, said he had been repeatedly approached in the past few months by supporters asking him to run.

“I am seriously thinking again of running for public advocate,” Mr. Green said, adding that he had been urged by friends and some Democratic leaders to run for the office, the city’s second-highest elective position. He said that since leaving office, “I realized how much I missed public service.”

Put Off by Term-Limits Fight, Green Ponders Another Run for Public Advocate

When asked on Saturday what caused him to change his mind, Mr. Green said, “Events have altered the landscape, like the term-limits battle, like the economy.” He added that “the stakes seem higher and perhaps, as a result, supporters are now more numerous and encouraging.”


Anonymous said...

Green is surely less corrupt than bloomie but he doesnt allow dissent on his station concerning hosts talking about and criticizing a certain new country created in 1948 and there human rights atrocities.Many original hosts from the station have left or been let go.

Anonymous said...

I'm still want Siegal.

Anonymous said...

Someone explain to me one thing substantial the office of "public advocate" has accomplished.None of this bullshit about watchdog or checks and balances. Tell me one concrete benefit of this office. Otherwise, just eliminate it and save the money.

Anonymous said...

Is it not great that the fundamental issue of the public's will being overturned is ignored and the only negative press on the term limit coup that the self censored press allows are the opinion of office seekers who have to cool their heels another four years.

Anonymous said...

The office of Public Advocate was created to be watchdog and checks and balances. That's exactly why I would vote for Norman Siegal. I have no doubts about him returning it back to what it was supposed to be.

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