Saturday, December 13, 2008

Forest Hills Rowhouse Slated For Demolition

From preservationist Michael Perlman:

"One complaint & the DOB's lie

Property Profile with no job applications nor permits.

Vintage & recent photos

The 1st residential rowhouses in the newly named Forest Hills in 1906 by Cord Meyer, are on Roman Ave now 72nd Ave between Austin St and Queens Blvd. They are the oldest extant developments in Forest Hills. Prior to 1906, Forest Hills was known as Whitepot and solely consisted of farmland. This assemblage is unique for Forest Hills, and particularly Queens. The 72nd Ave rowhouses were honored in 1991 and 2006 by the Central Queens Historical Association, and a plaque was mounted on one establishment. They coincide with Forest Hills' 100th anniversary in 2006. They are the pride of Forest Hills, and can and should be restored and adaptively reused."


Anonymous said...

What an absolute yet typical disgrace! What do you expect in Queens??? People used to be attracted to neighborhoods like Forest Hills BECAUSE of attractive archecture like this. Now all of a sudden, everyone wants to demolish anything that gives Queens its cozy, small-town neighborhood feel, and plaster the borough with cold, impersonal multi-family buildings, "luxury" high-rise condos, and hotels.
There should be MORE of these rowhouses lining our streets, not less of them!!!!

Anonymous said...


Guys, thank the preservation community for this. They are in love with developers (except on their block, thank you)

We need a strong citywide public education program on community preservation.

Will not happen. Too much self interest by those that can change things to change things.

And I am not talking about the developers or politicans.

Anonymous said...

Then overturn that damn Landmarks Law and throw out spot downzoning.

Sink the ship already and use the scrap to build anew.

Anonymous said...

Progress must move on. If you can't except the changes and the jobs and money it brings, then move to Montana.

Anonymous said...

How the hell is this progress?

Anonymous said...

If Jeff Gottlieb put a bronze plaque on one of these row houses we should (perhaps) all genuflect!

That anemic hysterical society of his did little more than conduct tours and make surveys of Forest Hills that's why historic preservation conditions here are shameful!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tooth fairy can save these at the last minute (ha, ha)!

All of you arm chair preservationists out there are responsible for more demolitions than the developers!

You're accomplices before the fact...
so to speak!

Anonymous said...

Show some "balls" JG & MP and get a lawyer to file a temporary restraining order.

I guess words are a lot cheaper
than action!

Anonymous said...

And where is Melinda Katz on this issue? and on our deplorable subway station, and hideous Queens Blvd, and illegal mcmansions in Cord Meyer, and shameful parks and libraries, and potential fare hikes, and....
Hey--Where is she anyway??? Filling her pockets with developers money so that she can run for Comptroller? Yeah fat chance!

Anonymous said...

Hey - that's where Dakota Realty - those completely corrupt POS's are based.


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