Friday, December 12, 2008

Councilmen go to court to get rebate released

Homeowners will have to wait at least another week to find out if they’re going to get $400 property tax rebates. A judge on Staten Island agreed on Thursday to adjourn a hearing on a lawsuit challenging the Bloomberg administration’s refusal to issue this year’s checks. It will resume Dec. 18.

The lawsuit reaffirms what the city’s budget director, Mark Page, grudgingly admitted at a City Council hearing on Nov. 17: It is the Council, and not Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who has the authority to eliminate the rebate.

A Staten Island assemblyman, Louis Tobacco, and five council members — James Oddo and Vincent Ignizio of Staten Island; Vincent Gentile and Lewis Fidler of Brooklyn; and Tony Avella of Queens — filed the lawsuit on Nov. 18. But the city’s lawyer, Chlarens Orsland, said that it was only on Monday that he received the last of the documents and asked for the postponement so that he could have more time to prepare a response, he explained after a brief appearance in State Supreme Court.

Where’s That $400 Rebate? Court Is Adjourned


Anonymous said...

Hey, arn't these the same communities that are pushing out development by downzoning and forcing western Queens and Brooklyn to take an unfair share?

Oh yes, by all means.

Give them the money.


georgetheatheist said...

Bread and Circuses.

Panem et Circenses.


Anonymous said...

Bread and Circuses.
Panem et Circenses.

Anonymous said...

Anon # 1 apparently believes that when one community protects itself, other communities are therefore prevented from doing the same.

By that logic, if I can prevent a mugging, I am therefore forcing the mugger to go after someone else?

And, so, people should never stand up and protect themselves from harm?

But, here's the question: What other community successfully downzoned and therefore pushed developers to the communities represented by Tobacco, Oddo, Ignizio, Fidler, and Avella? Why not complain about those people? Why not get to the original cause of the problem?

Anon # 1: Do you know that you're a moron?

Anonymous said...

Way to go!

Kick Bum-berg's ass
you valiant council members!

I want my $400 rebate!

And no 3rd term for this
2nd rate Napoleon!

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